What are the common issues that require shower repair?

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Here are some of the most common issues that require shower repair:

1. Clogged Drains

Clogged shower drains are a frequent problem caused by hair, soap scum, and other debris buildup. This leads to slow or inefficient draining.134

2. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure in the shower can be caused by mineral buildup or limescale clogging the showerhead, or leaks/clogs deeper in the plumbing system.134

3. Leaky Showerhead or Faucet

Over time, the inner seals, gaskets, and O-rings in showerheads and faucets can wear out, causing leaks and drips.134 Leaks can also occur in shower walls or floors due to cracked tiles, grout, or caulking.

4. Bad Smells

Persistent bad smells in the shower area can indicate the presence of mold, mildew, or drain clogs that need to be addressed.14

5. Noisy Showers

Rattling, humming, or other noises from the shower pipes can signal loose fittings, pipes, or issues with the mixing valve that require tightening or adjustment.4

6. Insufficient Hot Water

If there is not enough hot water for a full shower, it may indicate a problem with the water heater or plumbing system that needs repair.3 While some of these issues like minor clogs or showerhead cleaning can be DIY projects, recurring problems or more complex repairs often require the expertise of a professional plumber to properly diagnose and fix the underlying causes.134

Author: Skill Builder

Key insights

  • The shower temperature can't be adjusted properly, causing freezing water to come out if moved past a certain point.
  • It's important to regularly clean the shower drain to prevent clogs and maintain proper drainage.
  • Properly laying in the rubber ring is essential for preventing water from filling up too quickly in the shower.
  • Pushing the shower drain back down can solve temperature problems caused by hair buildup.
  • The hot water should be on the left and the cold water on the right, that's the way it should be.
  • A reversing cartridge can be a simple solution to avoid the nightmare of changing pipe work and tiles in the shower.
  • The problem with the shower pressure can be solved by adjusting the combi boiler.
  • Installing an extractor fan can help reduce steam in the shower, even in a flat without a window.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Shower problems solved: issues with water temperature and drain smell addressed.
  • 00:53 Clean the little dish in your shower to prevent clogs.
  • 01:31 Replace the rubber ring to prevent water from filling up and stop the smell from coming back up.
  • 01:48 Push the drain cover back down to solve clogging and temperature problems in the shower.
  • 02:08 Hot and cold water knobs are reversed, causing the shower to be piped up the wrong way.
  • 02:44 You can solve common shower problems by replacing the cartridge instead of redoing the entire plumbing.
  • 03:21 Fixing common shower problems can improve water pressure and prevent excessive gushing.
  • 03:54 Install an extractor fan or open a window to prevent steam buildup in the shower.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Right so this is the this is the this is the offending items yeah. I'm glad you came up young man don't call me a young man you need to go to specsavers mate. They've fitted the shower which is wonderful. The bath was exactly the same size so they just made this up took the bath out put that in fine where it goes around to comes up to the stock. The only way I can use. It is to keep it to the lowest one and if I move it up to the center no change and if I go past that out comes the freezing water all right you don't like a cold shower. No no no no this time of year you always have a cold shower in the morning well. I might do later on when it first comes out. It's calm water yeah yeah yeah you know and then it gets to the temperature yeah and I can't change it. You also mentioned the fact you said there's a bit of a smell well yeah but that's a little the drain smell yeah.
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  • 00:53 I can I can tell that I can see that straight away. I come across this time and time again. What it is is sometimes you have a clean or do you do your own cleaning. You do your own cleaning right well so when you do it. Let me just show you this first of all that comes out yeah. Now. In there is a little dish. Now that will collect even even you you'll lose a hat few hairs. Yeah they'll end up in there right so every so. Often you just gotta lift that out chuck it down. The loo just the contents chuck it down the lou pop it back in yeah yeah and that's fine that'll be right that'll be empty.
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  • 01:31 But we'll fill up with water very quickly. But this is the important thing here. This little rubber ring there oh yeah that is what makes the seal that is what stops the smell coming back up and if you just do that that's just laid it in. It's just laying it in and the smell will come up and I've been out to this.
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  • 01:48 So many times people have had this for months sometimes if they have a cleaner. The cleaner comes does that diligent they clean out all the hairs everything else but they never push it back down so when you do that just push it back down you can feel it go in and that's perfect right so temperature temperature problems. A nice job isn't it. It's all looking good here okay.
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  • 02:08 I can feel it coming through already the hot water yeah really hot yeah yeah. If you feel these two little nuts on the back. There you can feel one's very hot and the one over there is cold yeah. Now that tells me all I need tonight. You turned it too you've turned it too far good. Job good job. I'm waterproof oh yeah. What I can tell you is that they've piped it up the wrong way around. It's always hot on the left cold on the right that's what it should be. That's the way they design downstairs.
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  • 02:44 You can actually get on some valves. You can actually get a cartridge which is what they call a reversing cartridge so if a plumber's done it and it's all tiled in and it you know oh. No. It's a nightmare to change all the pipe work and everything else hack. All the tiles off. You actually just buy a new cartridge take that one out put the new one in and it swaps the whole thing around for you. But in this case. I don't think they do a reversing cartridge for that because all you do is flip the whole mechanism around. I'm going to check that we all have bad days at some point you think oh how could. I have made such a stupid mistake.
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  • 03:21 So I'm not judging anybody. I'm pretty sure the plumber you had to do. The whole job will come back and sort it out yeah. So. It's not the end of the world. But that's the problem and and once that problem solved you've got a lovely pressure. Here you know. This is on combi boiler. You did you didn't you didn't take it far enough but if you pull that past that point yeah when you get to a certain point really really gushes out. I didn't want to do too much because I i still got my clothes on oh yeah. I got wet enough just doing that didn't I but but yeah no it seems like you've got loads of pressure.
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  • 03:54 Absolutely. It would be a good show you could do with an extra have you not got an extractor fan in here. No no well probably no. I'll leave the window yeah well after I've finished. I thought. I opened the window to get rid of it yeah. I was going to say you will notice with that much pressure on the heart that this room will fill with steam so yeah. So it's important thing to do yeah. I understand being a flat. It's difficult to put an extractor fan in because you've got a you know blooming great long ladder to get out there and do it yeah yeah yeah okay. The only the only thing I need now somewhere to hang my soap on a rope.
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