Here are the key steps to unclog a bathroom sink:
Remove the sink stopper and clean out any visible debris1. Unscrew the pivot rod to detach the stopper. Use an old toothbrush and paper towels to wipe off gunk.
Use a bucket to catch water and place rags under the sink in case of drips when disassembling the pipes1.
Locate and remove the P-trap, which is the U-shaped pipe under the sink12. Place a bucket underneath to catch water. Unscrew the slip nuts on either end of the P-trap using wrenches.
Clean out the P-trap and the sink drain pipe1. Use a wire coat hanger or drain snake to remove any clumps of hair or debris. Flush with hot water.
As a natural alternative, pour baking soda down the drain followed by vinegar23. Let it sit for 20 minutes then flush with boiling water. The chemical reaction helps break down organic matter.
For tough clogs, use an enzymatic drain cleaner or a chemical drain opener4. Let it sit for the recommended time before flushing with hot water. Be cautious with chemical cleaners.
As a preventative measure, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain once a month2. This helps flush out any buildup before it causes a clog.
The key is to address the root cause of the clog by cleaning out the stopper, P-trap and drain pipe. With some basic tools and elbow grease, you can usually unclog a bathroom sink without calling a plumber. But if the clog persists, it's best to consult a professional.
Author: HowToWith GEO
Key insights
Filling the sink with water and creating a seal can help with unclogging, but it can get messy.
Sometimes the entire stopper may need to be removed in order to effectively use a snake to unclog a bathroom sink.
Removing the p-trap can help drain the remaining water and check for clogs.
Sometimes the blockage can be caused by something that the snake has hit and broken through.
Timestamped Summary
00:00 Use a plunger to unclog the bathroom sink by covering the drain and isolating the hole.
00:34 Plunge the sink with water to create a seal, then plug the drain and use suction to unclog it.
01:06 Use a standard snake to unclog the bathroom sink by removing the stopper and inserting the snake.
01:42 Remove the stopper, drain the water, use a snake to unclog the bathroom sink.
03:13 Remove the p-trap, drain the water, check for clogs, and remove any obstructions.
04:33 Cut the snake shorter to prevent it from going too far in, then use it to break through the blockage in the sink.
06:11 Use a snake to unclog the bathroom sink and adjust the pipe for a good position.
07:42 Reassemble the sink and check for clogs to fix the problem.
Video Full Text
00:00 Hello this is Jim well. We got a clogged sink here. I've already sort of try to get the stopper out and it's not the stopper to cap off. It's somewhere in the pipe I could either remove the pipes or I could try first just a plunger here in this thing and I'm just gonna kind of cover the plunger and this is this kind of shape plunger. So it's isolating the hole there. Now as I do this this little drain pipe. A hole here has to kind of be plug and I'll do that with my hands.
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00:34 I don't have gloves on. I apologize but it's a little easier doing it. I'm just gonna fill it up with a little water to kind of create a seal and as you can see as I plunge it. The water comes out of this drain hole so I'm gonna plug this up with my hand and see if I can get some suction going water all over the place. But as you can see it does not work so that was my first attempt.
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01:06 Next. I'm gonna try a snake okay. So I have a little standard snake. Here it has just not sure how many feet this is but again. I took the little topper cap off sometimes you can't do this and have to go in and remove the whole topper. But in this case I could just untwist this and I'm gonna see if I can just kind of get this snake past this little stopper I may or may not be able to do that and I can't not so.
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01:42 I'm gonna have to remove the the little stopper here and then let this drain for a little while and then remove that and then come back and see if I can. Reese make this this line okay. So I just drained all the water underneath and you could I know I have another video that shows how to this little topper here or a stopper. But for now I'm just going to remove this and then see if I could actually fish this thing. In my version it seems to be able to suck right now so the snake goes about this far down and it seems to hit something so. I'm gonna hold it with my finger bring it up and get a sense of how deep this is and then go under the sink and see kind of where this clog may be no under the sink you can see the bowl what should I use to drain with and I sort of measured it all the way past the p-trap here to this little elbow right here that goes in the wall. So the the blockage. I think is right about here. I'm really hoping not to be able. I can always remove this joint right here and cleaning this out. I'm hoping not to do that let's see what I can do with the snake. So I wasn't able to snake it through.
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03:13 It would go through the p-trap over here and get stuck right here either because of the clog or because this elbow is just a little bit too difficult to get through. So I do have the bowl here. I've already drained the water. You can see where the stopper bar is right there and it's already drained to about here. So. I'm just gonna undo the bottom of the p-trap here and then drain the remaining water. In the system check. The p-trap seems to be clear and then coming over here and then do this one see and remove this interesting. This actually went all the way here which is a little too far for it.
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04:33 I'm if I'm gonna reuse this I'm gonna cut this a little shorter because this went all the way in if you can see that zoom in I was a little surprised by this. This went way too far in and is actually preventing the snake to go around there and it's probably also creating the blockage so bare minimum. I'm gonna cut this shorter so won't go that's far in well. Let's see if the paint will work now sort of stopped probably buff put in. It's broke through something hit something looks like it went through it. So.
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06:11 I'm going to go back and forth a little bit where I think it is clean it out okay. So I think I got through the clog. Hopefully. The snake went down the pipe rather than up the vent so I won't know that until I get this thing back together. So I cut the pipe end a little bit shorter so it won't go as far in right there. I'm just going to be putting this back together here nicely set this in place for now this in place. It goes back that far in and then adjust it until it's a good position. You want this pipe to kind of straight out and this could be.
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07:42 This could be the elbow bending. Now. We still have to put the stopper arm back in and connect the stopper okay. We got everything put back together and let's see if it actually was well. It looks like it's running now. So I think we need found the clog. But I hope this video helped me out and I'll see you next time come on.
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