How to seal wood table?

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Here are the key steps to seal and protect a wood table:
  1. Sand the table lightly with 220 grit sandpaper to prepare the surface. Wipe away any dust with a cloth1.
  2. Apply a thin coat of boiled linseed oil using a rag. Let it soak in for a few minutes, then wipe off any excess. Allow to fully dry for several days until no longer tacky1.
  3. Reapply the boiled linseed oil after 1 week and again after 1 month. No need to sand between applications, just pour on the oil1.
  4. Alternatively, you can use a clear wood furniture wax to seal the table without significantly changing the color. Clean the table thoroughly first. Apply a thin coat of wax with a brush, let dry, then buff with a clean cloth. This provides moderate protection and is easy to reapply as needed3.
  5. For more durable protection, use a polyurethane varnish. Apply 2-3 thin, even coats with a brush, sanding lightly between coats. This will give a smooth, clear finish but may darken the wood23.
The key is to apply thin, even coats of sealer and allow proper drying time between applications. Reapply as needed in high-use areas. Boiled linseed oil and wax are the easiest options for beginners looking to preserve the natural wood look13.

Author: Drew Smith

Key insights

  • Sanding the table helps to remove any bumps, nicks, and chips before applying the stain.
  • 🧽 Wiping off the excess stain with a paper towel in the direction of the wood grain is essential for a smooth finish.
  • Applying the sealer may look white at first, but it will dry clear, ensuring a nice even coat on the wood table.
  • Applying three coats of sealer can result in a beautifully finished wood table top.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Lightly sand table, apply pre-stain, wait 10-15 minutes, wipe excess, then apply stain.
  • 01:11 Apply stain evenly in sections, wiping off excess with paper towels and going with the grain of the wood until you have a nice even coat.
  • 03:08 Apply stain to the table, let it dry for 24 hours, then apply sealer in sections for a nice even coat.
  • 04:18 Apply sealer evenly, assist helper, smooth in direction of grain, and get edges.
  • 05:06 Sand and apply two coats of sealer to the table top for a smooth finish.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Items needed for this project towels pre-stain stain sealer sandpaper and brushes. First you will lightly sand your table you want to remove any bumps. Nicks chips after you're done sanding wipe clean to remove all of the dust now apply your pre-stain. This is also known as conditioner get a nice even coat over the entire area that you will be applying the stain don't forget. The edges once applied you'll want to wait 10 to 15 minutes for it to soak into the wood after 10 or 15 minutes go ahead and wipe the excess conditioner. Now you will apply your stain.
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  • 01:11 You want to apply it nice and evenly and you will do this in sections. Once you're done with one section you want to wipe off the excess stain for this. I'm just using some paper towels once you've removed the excess stain from one section. You can then continue to the next section again remove the excess stain with a paper towel wiping back and forth going with the grain of the wood. You'll want to continue using your paper towels to wipe the excess stain until you have a nice even coat continue in sections until you've completely stained.
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  • 03:08 The entire table then go over the entire surface making sure to go with the grain of the wood to ensure that you have a nice even coat and there is no standing stain or puddles or drips continue around the edges. Wipe clean now you will let it dry for 24 hours. The next day you can apply the sealer it goes on thick and looks white. However it will dry clear apply a nice even coat doing this in sections. If you have kids or a toddler like me go ahead and put them to work.
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  • 04:18 If the kids put the sealer on unevenly don't worry you can go back over it in a minute after they're done apply the sealer over the entire table taking breaks to assist your helper once finished go around the edges complete the entire surface of the table and go back and forth smoothing. It out in the direction of the grain of the wood go around and get the edges.
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  • 05:06 Here. You want to make sure that there are no drips or puddles after it dries for four hours you'll want to go back over it and sand it you'll see that it's a little bit rough after the first coat. This is the only time you'll need the sand once the second coat goes on. It's very smooth. After that wipe it clean to remove any of the dust go ahead and apply your second coat using the same method that you did the first time a nice even layer brushing back and forth with the grain of the wood and this is our final product here the table top after three coats of sealer and that's it. It was that easy you.
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