How to remove bathroom mirror?

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Here are the steps to safely remove a bathroom mirror that is glued to the wall:
  1. Tape the mirror diagonally, horizontally and vertically with wide masking tape or painters' tape to prevent shards from flying if it breaks34.
  2. Clear the area around the mirror, including items on the sink and floor. Place a drop cloth over the sink and vanity to contain any debris3.
  3. Apply heat to soften the adhesive using a heat gun or hair dryer on the lowest setting. Hold it 5-6 inches from the mirror, blowing heat between the mirror and wall for 10 seconds at a time, working your way down the sides3.
  4. Check progress by sliding a thin carpenter's square or metal ruler diagonally between the mirror and wall. If the adhesive is softening, the tool should be able to push through3.
  5. Have a helper hold the top of the mirror in case it starts to drop as the adhesive loosens3.
  6. Run a long piece of strong picture wire behind the mirror, with both people holding an end and pulling downward with a sawing motion to separate the glue4.
  7. Gently pry the mirror from the wall using screwdrivers or other flat tools once the top starts to come forward4.
  8. Use a steam machine with the smallest nozzle to blast hot steam between the wall and mirror to further soften the adhesive4.
  9. Once the mirror is removed, expect drywall repair work to patch holes and clean off any remaining glue or gunk4.
Take safety precautions like wearing eye protection, gloves, long sleeves and pants. Enlist help for a large mirror. Proceed slowly and carefully to avoid breaking the glass3.

Author: Average Joe’s Jim’s Home Projects

Key insights

  • 🪞 The process of removing a large bathroom mirror can be accomplished by following simple DIY tips and tricks.
  • Wood shims are a useful tool for this project and can be found at local hardware stores or ordered online.
  • ️ Rushing the removal process can lead to injury or even death, emphasizing the importance of caution and patience.
  • 🪞 The mirror will eventually pull away from the wall, but it's important to take your time and be cautious during the removal process.
  • ️ Addressing the little shelf that holds the mirror in place at the bottom is an important step in the removal process.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Remove a bathroom mirror without breaking it.
  • 00:34 Buy wood shims, don't do it alone, get help to remove heavy bathroom mirror.
  • 01:26 Carefully tap the wedges to remove the mirror from the wall without causing any damage or injury.
  • 02:11 Use wedges to carefully remove the bathroom mirror from the wall.
  • 02:56 Removing a bathroom mirror took about an hour, with gentle pulls to release the glue and addressing the shelf at the bottom.
  • 03:39 Lift and remove heavy bathroom mirror without breaking, subscribe for future remodel project updates.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Welcome to average joe's gym's home projects where we do projects and maintenance at home that even an average joe can accomplish. We recently did a remodel in our kids bathroom. One of the first things we had to do was remove. This huge mirror off the wall and hopefully do it without breaking it. This is what it looks like when you're done. I'm going to show you some tips on how to get it off without breaking let's do it.
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  • 00:34 The only thing I had to buy for this project were these wood shims you can find them at any local hardware store like home depot or lowe's or you can order them online. As usual links are in the description. There's not really a whole lot of room for camera angles. For this bathroom. This is pretty much what you're gonna get I apologize for not getting some more angles in there. But it just didn't work out with the way the bathroom setup. I just want to warn you guys too you don't want to tackle this project alone with a mirror of this size. It's extremely heavy so. I recommend you get a couple people to help you out just for the weight of the thing. I drafted my son and my wife to help out with this project basically.
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  • 01:26 I'm just taking this hammer and tapping the wedges down from the top. I need to sort of pull the mirror away from the wall very slowly careful not to do one side too much and end up causing a crack or break which could eventually hurt somebody. I took my time very carefully with this project. Just a little bit at a time we're talking millimeters if you rush this thing you can end up breaking it and end up hurting yourself pretty bad as I always say no home project is worth getting an injury or getting killed if you're uncomfortable doing this make sure you hire someone in some kind of professional manner.
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  • 02:11 They can do this for you. Gonna let you guys in on a little hint here that kind of surprised me as you tap. These wedges in they're gonna start falling down between the mirror and the wall. That's okay don't worry about that there. As they move down. Then you can put in a couple more. I had to double up a couple to make it wider as this thing pulled away from the wall. Don't worry just stay. The course it'll eventually pull away from the wall removing it from the glue. I wasn't kidding when I said I took my time with this thing you just got to be really careful.
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  • 02:56 I think I took a grand total of an hour removing this thing. Here's some high speed taps. I'll see if I can speed it up for you guys. Once. I got the majority of the glue to release. I just kind of gave it nice gentle pulls just to remove it from the last few globs of glue. Once you get that done you're gonna have to address the little shelf that holds it in there at the bottom. We'll get to that in a second. So here. I am looks like I'm being a and trying to lift this off all by myself but surprise there.
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  • 03:39 She is. She started up at the top. We're basically trying to lift it out of the little shelf piece that holds the mirror in there. Once we get it up and off we're going to be able to carry it out. This thing was super heavy. I am not going to lie. It was tough for the two of us to carry it out there without breaking it. So here it is one huge mirror removed from our bathroom without breaking as I said before. This is just the beginning project of a future remodel of our bathrooms please subscribe so you can be notified as I put on new videos from that project. If you enjoyed this please check out our other projects also on average. Joe's gyms home projects you.
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