How to open a locked bathroom door?

Answer SVG
Here are the steps to open a locked bathroom door:
  1. If the bathroom has a push-button lock, insert a butter knife into the keyhole and twist it gently to release the lock. If that doesn't work, try using a straightened out bobby pin instead. Insert the bobby pin into the keyhole, turn the doorknob, and wiggle the pin to unlock the door1.
  2. For a twist-privacy lock, insert a thin screwdriver into the hole in the middle of the doorknob. Wiggle the screwdriver around until you hear the lock disengage. You don't need to turn the doorknob while doing this12.
  3. As a last resort, you can try using a credit card to open the door. Slide the card between the door and frame just above the lock. Tilt the card towards the doorknob and bend it to slip the card between the lock and frame. Lean on the door and wiggle the card back and forth until the door unlocks12.
  4. If the above methods don't work, you may need to remove the entire doorknob to access the lock mechanism. Use a screwdriver or electric drill to remove the screws on the exterior side of the doorknob. Once the screws are out, you can remove the doorknob and use a screwdriver to turn the lock mechanism and open the door2.
Only attempt to open the door if you have a legitimate reason, such as an emergency. Avoid damaging the door or lock if possible. If you cannot open the door, call for help or contact a locksmith.

Author: Locksmith Recommended

Key insights

  • There are five different ways to unlock a bedroom or bathroom door, providing multiple solutions for this common problem.
  • There are five different ways to open a privacy lever, providing options for unlocking a door in various situations.
  • Insert the tool right into the hole of the door and give it a twist, that's all there is to it.
  • Using a tiny screwdriver as a privacy key alternative to unlock a door.
  • The idea of using a paperclip to unlock a door is a simple yet effective hack that can come in handy when you don't have the right key or tools.
  • Creating a makeshift tool to unlock a door can be surprisingly easy and effective.
  • Making a screwdriver out of a wire clothes hanger is a clever and resourceful method for unlocking a locked door.
  • The technique of using a thin piece of plastic to unlock a door has gained a lot of attention on YouTube.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Learn 5 easy ways to unlock a bedroom or bathroom door if you're locked out.
  • 00:27 Use the small key that came with the privacy lever to unlock it.
  • 01:01 Use a hanger to unlock a bedroom or bathroom door by inserting it straight into the hole and giving it a twist.
  • 01:29 Use a small screwdriver as a privacy key to unlock a bedroom or bathroom door if you don't have a key.
  • 01:58 Bend a paperclip to create a tip that can unlock a bedroom or bathroom door without the key or screwdriver.
  • 02:25 Use a larger paper clip to create a tool that fits into the door groove and easily unlocks the door.
  • 03:03 Use a paper clip or wire clothes hanger to easily unlock a privacy lever or bedroom/bathroom door.
  • 03:48 Use a thin piece of plastic to slide into the crack of the door and push the lever latch back to unlock a bedroom or bathroom door.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Oh snap I just locked myself out of the bathroom door if you've got kids more likely than not. This has happened to you you've been locked out of the bathroom or bedroom. Today. We're going to show you five ways to unlock that door. I'm robert with acme locksmith and you're watching locksmith recommended if you're not familiar with the lock on your bathroom door let's check it out real quick on the inside of the door. You have a thumb turn.
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  • 00:27 You've probably all seen these on an entryway door too the main door to your house. The difference is on the outside of the door now on the outside of the lock. Instead of a keyhole like you would find on the front door of your home. There's basically just a round little hole on privacy levers and behind that little hole is a spindle with a groove in it and your goal is to hit that groove and give it a turn today. We're going to talk about five different ways. You can open this privacy lever. The first one is just by using the key that came with it. Now this is a small little key basically has a flat tip on it and I keep these all over the house.
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  • 01:01 I keep them on the frame above the doors for the bedrooms. The bathrooms if anybody ever accidentally locks themselves out. I just reach up there grab it and this is the way to get in let me show you how this works door's locked insert right into the hole of the door. The only maybe gotcha step there is you want to go straight in. Some of them are very fussy. If you're going at an angle. You won't hit the spindle so straight into the door give it a twist that's all there is to it.
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  • 01:29 But what are some of the ways if you don't have a key. I've just locked the door again and here's an alternative method if you have a tiny little screwdriver perhaps one for your glasses laying around it'll act just like the privacy key in work to get that door open. Now you can buy these in packages of five at the dollar store here. So there's no reason why you can't keep several of these around at the house as well again put them on the frame of the door to get in works.
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  • 01:58 Exactly. The same way into the hole give it a twist you're in but you might not have the key that came with the lock. You might not have a little screwdriver. So let me show you two hacks that'll do the same thing for you. The first hack I'm going to talk about is using a paper clip. Basically a paperclip is just a small piece of bendable metal. So you can bend it in such a way to create a tip that'll open this door.
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  • 02:25 Now they come in various sizes. The small ones don't work really well because the metal is too flimsy and it won't really spin the spindle it'll actually just spin the metal of the paper clip. But if you have one of the bigger ones it's perfect for this task very easy to do let me just get this open have a pair of needle nose here and I'm just going to create a tip. On this. There you go something that'll fit into that groove hopefully. You can see that clearly there.
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  • 03:03 I've locked the door give it a turn you're in simple as that paper clip to unlock a privacy lever so the second hack you can use to unlock. This door is to make a basically a screwdriver out of a wire clothes hanger. This is actually the one I used to do when I was young and in college and how to get into a room myself. All. I do is take it out to the garage and flatten the tip of it and then it will easily insert into the door so that you can unlock it. Let's take a look my door's locked let's check. It out voila unlocked bathroom door using a clothes hanger.
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  • 03:48 Now. I promised you five techniques to get in. We've covered four. The last one is one we've already talked about. In another video. You may have seen the video on if you improperly install a lever on your front door. How anybody can use a thin piece of plastic slide it into the crack of the door and push that lever latch back so that the door swings open so that video has a lot of hits on youtube. I'll put a link to it right here if you want to see that technique. But that bypass technique to get in your home's front. Door will also work on unlocking a bathroom and unlocking a bedroom door well hopefully. You've enjoyed this video. If you've liked it please hit the like button be sure to subscribe to our channel. I'm robert with acme locksmith and you're watching locksmith recommended.
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