How to get rid of mold in bathroom ceiling?

Answer SVG
Here are the steps to effectively remove mold from your bathroom ceiling:
  1. Identify the type of mold: Look for black, green, white, or gray mold. Black mold is the most dangerous and should be removed by professionals13.
  2. Prepare a cleaning solution: Mix one part bleach to ten parts water, or use undiluted white vinegar to kill mold. You can also use a solution of baking soda and warm water or hydrogen peroxide134.
  3. Spray the solution on the moldy area: Spray the cleaning solution onto the affected area of the bathroom ceiling. Let it sit for about 15 minutes to allow the solution to penetrate and kill the mold14.
  4. Scrub off the mold: Using a scrub brush, gently clean the affected area until all visible mold is removed. For hard-to-reach areas, dip a toothbrush in the solution and scrub12.
  5. Rinse and air dry: Rinse the area with warm water and allow it to air dry. Always wear protective gear, including gloves, eye protection, and a face mask, while performing these steps to prevent direct exposure to mold spores12.
  6. Repeat if necessary: If the mold persists, repeat the cleaning process until it is completely removed3.
To prevent future mold growth, improve ventilation by installing an exhaust fan, keep doors and windows open whenever possible, and reduce humidity in the bathroom12. If the affected area is larger than 10 square feet or if you have concerns about the type of mold present, it's best to hire a professional mold remediation service13.

Author: Twin Home Experts

Key insights

  • Identifying the type of mold is crucial for an effective removal process, whether it's dewpoint mold from steam or a leak inside the ceiling.
  • ️ The black toxic mold Stachybotrys is a result of a rain leak from the roof, causing 100% moisture inside the ceiling.
  • Building a zipper door containment is crucial to prevent spreading mold spores inside the home.
  • When removing wet moldy materials like drywall and wood from the home, it's best to use a specific method for effective removal.
  • ️ Using a UV light can help scrub the air and keep indoor air clean while working in the bathroom.
  • Building a zipper door containment with proper tape and thick plastic is essential for sealing off the mold containment.
  • Wearing a proper mask and suit offers a lot of protection when dealing with mold spores.
  • The demolition process is necessary to completely remove black mold from the bathroom ceiling.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Remove black mold from your bathroom ceiling by identifying the type of mold and addressing the cause of the moisture.
  • 00:49 Remove black toxic mold from your bathroom ceiling by following a specific protocol to avoid cross-contamination.
  • 01:35 Seal off the bathroom with a zipper door containment to prevent spreading mold spores.
  • 02:05 Use proper materials and techniques to effectively remove black mold from your bathroom ceiling and protect indoor air quality.
  • 02:54 Use a UV light to clean the air while working in the bathroom.
  • 03:25 Apply proper tape and double-sided sticky tape, then seal off with plastic and green tape before installing a zipper for containment.
  • 04:48 Use a proper mask and suit for protection when removing black mold from your bathroom ceiling.
  • 05:16 Remove mold from bathroom ceiling by opening up, bagging, dehumidifying, treating, fogging, wiping, and dehumidifying again.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Hello folks, Dave Schuelke here, Twin Home Experts. I'm in a bathroom and I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to remove mold from your bathroom ceiling. Alright folks, so two things you have to really confirm is the type of mold a dewpoint meaning just from the steam that's not properly being vented out your window or a fan. A lot of times you can determine if you've got dewpoint when you have all those black little spots everywhere. It's actually a much easier mold removal process than what I'm about to show you. The bathroom that we're in is actually caused by a leak inside the ceiling here.
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  • 00:49 It's actually a rain leak from the roof. So as you can see here a little closer the mold that we're dealing with here. The black toxic mold Stachybotrys. So we got it here and here. And if we use our moisture meter we've got a hundred percent moisture that's inside that ceiling. So if you're going to remove this type of mold there is a protocol that you have to follow so you don't cross-contaminate into the home.
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  • 01:35 So the first step we're going to do before we deal with this type of mold is we're going to build a zipper door containment which consists of some really good sticky tape and some thick plastic. The door when it gets covered up so as we're opening this up. We're not blowing into these mold spores inside the home. Now if you have a air duct vent in your bathroom that also needs to get sealed off.
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  • 02:05 Alright folks so I just want to show you how what the homeowner did is. They attempted to try to seal this stuff off but this is painters plastic. It's very thin you don't want to use this for any type of protection. It's just not going to do any justice to protecting your indoor air as well as the type of tape. As you can see there's a lot of ways for any type of mold spores to get through this. So this is kind of a waste of time. What we like to do is when were performing any type of mold inside the home and if it requires removing wet moldy materials such as drywall, wood we love using.
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  • 02:54 This has got a UV light so we plug this in outside the container area and what this is going to do is just. Gonna help scrub the air and keep the indoor air clean while we're working inside the bathroom. It's pretty loud but let me show you what it what it sounds like.
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  • 03:25 All right now we're ready to go ahead and build the zipper door containment. Ok we're outside the bathroom doorway here as you can see. We use the proper tape so it doesn't peel the paint off when we go to remove all of this and then we use a double-sided sticky tape which we're gonna apply our six mil over this doorway here. And the plastic that we use is again six mil, very thick. Let's go ahead and apply it here on top of this sticky tape. Okay. So now that we've applied the plastic. We put another layer of our green tape over the plastic and this completely seals off the containment here. All right then we install a zipper.
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  • 04:48 This allows you to gain access coming in and out of the bathroom without tearing up the the plastic barrier here. Alright so as you can see here just want to point out. You know a proper mask and a proper suit offers a lot of protection. So you don't get any mold spores. So just something to consider when you're doing an abatement.
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  • 05:16 So as you can see. We've already opened up part of the ceiling here and we've bagged and hauled away. We're going to continue opening up at this level here to complete the demolition process there. So just wanted to give you an insight on some of the steps that we take here. Also we did have a dehumidifier here overnight. This is a piece of equipment here to extract all the excess moisture from the ceiling. Very, very, very important to have when you're doing mold remediation and you have wet walls or wet ceilings. We've taken out all the ceiling. That had mold. This is our treatment here. We've also fogged the entire bathroom here and wiped all the walls down hepa vac. We're gonna go ahead now and pull our dehumidifier out now that we've got everything dry. We'll do a nice final wipe down and that will complete the mold remediation when it comes to your bathroom ceiling.
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