How to get rid of ants in bathroom?

Answer SVG
Here are some effective ways to get rid of ants in your bathroom:

Clean and Dry the Bathroom Regularly

  • Wipe down surfaces like the sink, counters, and shower walls daily to remove any food sources or moisture that attracts ants123.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor frequently to pick up dirt, hair, and other debris that ants feed on2.
  • Mop the floor once a week with a vinegar solution, which helps eliminate ant pheromone trails12.
  • Ensure the bathroom is well-ventilated to reduce humidity, as ants thrive in damp environments3.

Seal Entry Points

  • Caulk any cracks or gaps around tiles, pipes, windows, and doors to prevent ants from getting in23.
  • Replace broken tiles and reseal grout to eliminate potential entry points3.

Use Natural Ant Repellents

  • Sprinkle cinnamon, black pepper, or coffee grounds along ant trails and entry points, as ants dislike these strong scents12.
  • Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil or tea tree oil and place them near ant trails1.
  • Wipe surfaces with a vinegar solution or citrus-scented cleaner, as the acidic oils repel ants12.

Eliminate Food and Water Sources

  • Store toiletries in sealed containers and wipe up any spills immediately2.
  • Fix leaky faucets and pipes to remove standing water that attracts ants23.
  • Empty the bathroom trash can frequently and keep it covered23.
  • Clean the drain regularly to remove any debris or organic matter that ants feed on3.
If the infestation persists, consider using boric acid or borax as a last resort, as they can be harmful to children and pets if used improperly12. For severe infestations, it's best to contact a professional pest control service2.

Author: The Home Depot

Key insights

  • ️‍️ Identifying ants correctly is crucial in order to take the appropriate steps to keep them out of your home.
  • Place bait traps near drains, in cabinets, and under appliances to effectively eliminate ants indoors.
  • It's important to treat outdoor ant populations to prevent them from moving inside.
  • Natural treatments can be effective in getting rid of ants without using harmful chemicals.
  • Diatomaceous earth lacerates an ant's exoskeleton and dehydrates it, while Borax is odorless and low in toxicity, which means that ants won't detect it, and it's less dangerous for your pets.
  • Keeping trash bins 10 feet from your home can help prevent ant infestations.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Identify ants by their long legs, bent antennae, and slender waist to prevent infestations in your home.
  • 00:26 Use bait traps to eliminate ants indoors by placing both carb-based and protein-based traps near drains, in cabinets, and under appliances, but not directly in the ants' trail.
  • 01:01 Use ant sprays and baits indoors and outdoors to control and prevent ant infestations.
  • 01:41 Use non-repellent spray outside and natural treatments to get rid of ants.
  • 02:08 Use diatomaceous earth or Borax to eliminate ants, and food-based repellents to prevent them.
  • 02:37 Keep your surroundings clean, store food properly, and maintain your home to prevent ant infestations.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Ants travel in packs, and will generally make their way into your home in the spring and fall. But there's a lot you can do to prevent them from becoming an issue. Let's go over some ways to keep ants out. First, you want to identify them. Many people confuse ants with termites, but there is an easy way to tell the difference. If it has long legs, bent antennae, and a slender waist that clearly segments its body, it's an ant.
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  • 00:26 An ant's wings are also shorter than a termite's, and its back wings are smaller than the front. Now let's go over some options for eliminating ants. Bait traps are easy to use and very effective indoors, since they allow you to wipe out an entire colony. To attract a wide variety of ants, be sure to use both carb-based and protein-based bait traps and place them near drains, in cabinets, and under a stove or a refrigerator, but not directly in the ants' trail. Don't forget to check back and replace them often.
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  • 01:01 Ant sprays can be used on their own, or in addition to bait. Treating surfaces with a non-repellent spray won't kill them immediately. The main benefit is that the ants will spread throughout the colony. The best places to use sprays indoors include baseboards, door frames, windows, and patio sliders. Outdoor ant populations must also be kept under control to prevent them from moving inside. There are plenty of methods for treating the outside of your home. Use both liquid bait and granules near their trails to capture the widest variety of ants. Liquid bait is great for covering large areas, and granules can be placed directly on soil.
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  • 01:41 While ant killer sprays provide immediate results, you still want to choose a non-repellent spray when treating ants outside. Just make sure it's designed for outdoor use. Apply generous amounts of spray around the perimeter of your yard, as well as structures like barns, garages, and sheds, and spray lightly around the foundation of your home, focusing on openings for pipes and wires. You may also want to consider some natural treatments to get rid of ants.
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  • 02:08 Diatomaceous earth lacerates an ant's exoskeleton and dehydrates it, while Borax is odorless and low in toxicity, which means that ants won't detect it, and it's less dangerous for your pets. Another great natural option is any type of food-based repellent. Food-based repellents are popular because they're non-toxic and can be used around pets and children. We've gone through how to eliminate ants. Now, let's talk about how to prevent them.
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  • 02:37 Keep bushes, low branches, and mulch trimmed and raked back from your house. Clean up grass, leaves, and wood piles, and clear out your gutters. Keep trash bins 10 feet from your home. Wipe down kitchen surfaces, appliances, trash cans, and condiment jars, and store food in sealed containers or the fridge. Empty drip pans and dry out sinks and tubs regularly. Wring wash clothes and sponges. Keep drains covered and check for leaks. And that's it. With a few simple treatments, you can keep ants out of your home, and thank you for shopping at The Home Depot.
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