How to fix a sliding glass shower door that won't close?

Answer SVG
Here are the steps to fix a sliding glass shower door that won't close properly:
  1. Check if the screws on the hinges, handles, and latches are loose. Tighten any loose screws with a screwdriver.3
  2. Clean the hinge area by scrubbing or brushing it with vinegar to remove any buildup.3
  3. If the door is dragging, it likely needs to be realigned and the clamps adjusted. This usually requires removing the door from the track, so it's best to have a professional handle this.3
  4. If the door is out of level, causing one side to be lower than the other, you can try adjusting the rollers or wheels. Many sliding shower doors have adjustments on the rollers that allow you to raise or lower the panel by turning them with a wrench or hex key.2
  5. Some sliding shower doors have hex screws or cam nuts that can be turned to level the door bar or track. Locate these adjustment points and turn them to level the bar.2
  6. As a last resort, you can file a shallow groove in the top of the rail where the wheels rest when the door is closed. This creates a small bump to prevent the door from rolling open. Be careful not to file too deep, and touch up the rail with paint after.2
The key steps are tightening loose screws, cleaning the hinges, adjusting the rollers or track level, and potentially creating a small groove in the rail to keep the door from rolling open.23

Author: Exceptional Shower Doors

Key insights

  • Understanding how sliding doors work can save you time and money when it comes to repairs.
  • Sliding doors can get jacked up if pushed too hard or if something's in the way, causing them to fall off the internal track.
  • Lifting the glass up and hanging the wheels back in place is the logical solution to fix the sliding shower door.
  • The rubbing sound is caused by the non-moving glass pushing the guide against the rail, creating pressure.
  • ️ The technique involves squeezing fingers inside, lifting the door, and providing counter pressure with the knee, showcasing the hands-on nature of the repair process.
  • Rolling the door back and forth before letting go ensures it's back on track and moving freely.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Learn how to fix a sliding shower door yourself to save time and money, but consider hiring a professional for safety.
  • 00:56 Fix a sliding shower door by checking if it has fallen off the internal track and adjusting the wheels.
  • 01:34 Lift the glass, place the wheels back on the track, and it will move again.
  • 02:12 The non-moving glass is pushing the guide against the rail, creating pressure and causing the inside door to no longer be within the track.
  • 02:41 Lift the door with both hands, give it counter pressure with your knee, and hang it back in the original position.
  • 03:24 Roll the sliding shower door back and forth to get it back on track and save time and money by fixing it yourself, but consider using a professional.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Okay guys my name is Ben I'm with exceptional glass 1883 glass. Today we are in Cranford New Jersey. Go service on a sliding door so there's videos to show you how you can save some time some money just by understanding how these sliding doors work and if they ever come off track how to do it yourself. Of course I always encourage you to hire. Professionally. You are dealing with glass and things can happen so rather let somebody else do it how professionally that can replace it.
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  • 00:56 If something bad doesn't happen or if you feel for it go ahead and do it yourself so each sliding door. So this is this sliding doors working just fine. This guy here is not sliding at all so the first suspect would be that it has fallen off of the internal track so what it is is imagine a little hook like this so what happens is is that the wheels follow inside of the screw fence keeping them from falling up so sometimes when a door is pushed either too hard or is something's in the way and then you close the door and then the door kind of jacks up and one way ever know it so what happens is is.
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  • 01:34 It literally comes off of that little groove. You can call it and then you've got a situation like this so of course. I've already seen it. I know what's what the culprit is and both wheels have come off of the track pin hence not allowing this to move so it's as logical as it sounds literally you have to grab the glass lift it up inside of the internal track and hang the wheels back in place. So I'm going to do that now what I'll show you with the inside like you can get a better idea.
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  • 02:12 So as you see. This is the operable door meaning. This is the one that's not having a problem. It's sliding you hear a little rubbing. It's merely because the the non moving glass is actually pushing the guide up against the rail mmm hence creating a little bit of pressure. So those little breeze I'm talking about that so as you see the inside. The inside door is now no longer it within that track all right so literally.
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  • 02:41 All we're gonna do is. We're gonna go ahead. We're gonna. Jack the door up and hang it back on okay. See if I just got it back in the original position professional videographer. There we go so carefully grab the door with both hands. Nice solid grip try not to slide it back and forth and try not to lift one and higher than another exit literally picking it off all at the same time. Okay squeeze your fingers inside lift. The door give it a little a little counter pressure with your knee.
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  • 03:24 I know you can't see it in the video but then roll it back and forth before you let go of the weight of the door. There we go now the door. It is back on its track then moving freely. Let's see if you can see the internal components of this. It is now within the track again and it slides without issue. We save a lot of time and money by doing this yourself but again I highly recommend using a professional because as Murphy lost eyes whatever can happen will happen alright you guys need a service for one of your shower doors feel free to give us call 88-83 glocks or visit our website at NJ glass doors.
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