How to decorate a teen girl's bedroom on a budget?

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To decorate a teen girl's bedroom on a budget, consider the following tips:
  1. Start with a clean slate by decluttering and removing unused items. This creates more space and makes the room feel fresh2.
  2. Paint the walls for an instant and affordable transformation. Let your teen choose a color that fits her style and the room's theme3.
  3. Repurpose existing furniture or look for second-hand pieces. Check if family or friends have furniture they're not using, or look in your attic or basement for items to upcycle3.
  4. Create a focal point, usually the bed, by adding a DIY headboard, large artwork, or an accent wall3.
  5. Use affordable accessories to add personality:
    • Throw pillows and blankets
    • Wall art or posters
    • String lights
    • Decorative storage bins or baskets2
  6. Incorporate multi-functional furniture to maximize space, such as cube ottomans for seating and storage3.
  7. Add inexpensive wall treatments like wallpaper, a gallery wall, or DIY shelving2.
  8. Use budget-friendly window treatments like ombre curtains or simple shades5.
  9. Let your teen contribute to the budget by having her buy certain items she wants, teaching financial responsibility5.
  10. Don't be afraid of bold colors or patterns, as paint is relatively cheap and easy to change if needed5.
  11. Shop sales, discount stores, and thrift shops for affordable decor items2.
Remember to involve your teen in the decision-making process to ensure the room reflects her personality and style while staying within budget5.

Author: Crystal Tara

Key insights

  • The makeover aimed to add some color to the space and take the room to the next level.
  • A fresh coat of paint can completely transform a room, even if it's the same color.
  • Personalizing our new construction home and making it our own has been a rewarding process.
  • Painting the nursery with a newborn was super busy, but the end result was so pretty and highly recommended for any little girl's room.
  • Adding window panels for privacy and creating a cozy reading nook in a tween girl's bedroom.
  • The use of string lights instead of curtain lights for the window seat was a practical decision to avoid potential hazards with young boys around.
  • ️ The final look of the room is beautiful and they are inspired by a blanket purchased from Hearth and Hand at Target.
  • A makeup vanity that doubles as a desk is a practical and space-saving solution for a tween girl's bedroom.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Tween girl's bedroom gets a colorful mini makeover with accent walls and a spruced-up window seat.
  • 01:11 Adding color to the room with a fresh coat of paint and focusing on the window seat as the focal point.
  • 02:19 Choosing the perfect pink paint color for a tween girl's room and personalizing the new construction home.
  • 05:06 Painted a nursery pink, didn't like the first shade, found a better one, then painted the window seat area as well.
  • 06:25 Tween girl's dream window seat brought to life with white window panels and extended with clips for a better look.
  • 08:42 Custom cushion and string lights added to brighten and personalize tween girl's bedroom space.
  • 10:52 The room got a mini makeover with new wall decor and a color scheme inspired by a blanket.
  • 12:19 Tween girl's bedroom mini makeover with new furniture, lights, makeup vanity, and mini fridge for snacks.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Hello my friends. It is Crystal welcome back to my channel for today's video. I am sharing with you a little bit of a mini makeover that I did in our daughter Macy's room. She is 11 going on 16 and we've been living here now for about what two three months I actually think it's three months. Now. Isn't that crazy time has flown by but um anyways. We really wanted to kind of take her room to the next level. If you know what I mean it was very just gray and white. There was really no color. So we wanted to just do a little bit of a makeover in her room painting some accent wall sprucing up her window seat and I'm going to share the whole process with you in today's video so here is a quick before look at her room. Now this bedroom set used to be my husband and I's it is now hers very exciting. It's from Ashley Furniture. I can link it down below but the room is just very gray and white really want to just add some color to the space and yeah.
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  • 01:11 I don't know make it look like a girl's bedroom but also something that will grow with her foreign. I say this all of the time on my channel. But I am always amazed by what a Fresh coat of paint can do to a room even if it's the same color which this one will not be. But we are going to start off by adding some color to the room and painting an accent wall. Now I could have taken it a step further and done maybe a shipwap wall or board and batten. However I really feel like her bedroom needs. It really want the window seat to be her focal point and so we'll probably do that in one of the boys bedrooms here coming up over the next few months as I share more little room makeovers but just going to prep this wall. I'm going to paint the wall that her bed sits on and see what that all looks like eventually I do paint a little bit more of the room so excited to show you that as well. But the worst part about painting is always the prep work takes longer than painting.
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  • 02:19 But it's so worth it to get those fresh and clean lines thank you as for the paint color that we chose for the room I I had to pick up a bunch of different swatches of pink from Sherwin-Williams to really determine which one we wanted to go with. I was thinking darker initially but some of you actually let me know that the lighter the better especially when the other walls in the room are white which they are and so we settled on the color abalone shell and it is a beautiful like blush color pink. I think it'll be perfect for her room thank you foreign foreign I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you so much for joining me for today's video of course. My name is Crystal I am a busy wife and a mom to four kiddos and we just built our new construction home and I've been slowly sharing the process and we're finally able to start making things really our own and personalizing them a little bit. This is actually the very first wall that I've painted and it was really hard to do but I am so glad that I did and very happy with how everything turned out but anyways. If you are not already subscribed. I would love to have you stick around for all of the new house content that I have planned coming up a little bit of a story here for you while I finish up my painting. So when I was pregnant with Macy we did not know what we were having so it was a big surprise to find out.
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  • 05:06 We were having a girl when she was born and so we were home. I was on maternity leave and we decided to paint her Nursery. We wanted to do pink because we had a baby girl. So I just went and picked up some paint and got to work. This was painting with a newborn so super busy and the room turned out it looked like Pepto-Bismol pink. It was awful so immediately after it dried. We went for a later a lighter shade of pink and it was much better but it still never like brought me as much joy as this paint color that I'm sharing with you today just could not be more pleased with the color. It does dry a little bit more pink that it's showing right now but yeah highly recommend for any little girl's room it is so so pretty so once that wall was painted decided to step back look at the room. I was inspired by a photo I had seen to paint the window seat area as well. So after I pull off all of the tape. Here I do paint around the window. It's really hard to record when facing a window. So I don't share that process with you but of course I will show you what it looks like but anyways love love love the pink color.
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  • 06:25 Now. It's time to bring her window seat dream to life oh my gosh when we were building this house. She talked so much about this window seat and just how much she was looking forward to it and lining up all of her squishmallows. She has quite the collection by the way and I am all for it. I I just she I don't want her to grow up so bring us all the squishmallows but anyways lots of dreams around this window seat and I'm excited to bring them to life for her going to start by just adding these white window panels to the window it's kind of fun. It was actually a tricky space to figure out where I wanted to hang them decided to do it on the outside. Just because I it's kind of a neat little feature that she can actually close them while she's sitting in the seat for additional privacy. If she ever wanted to maybe she's reading a book or whatever the case might be so hung them up decided. They were just a little bit too short for the room. Like the I don't know it just didn't look right. So I went ahead and ordered these clips from Amazon to just give them a little bit more length. So took it all down adding the clips and you will see here once I get them all hung up. It looks so much better what's up also for her window seat.
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  • 08:42 I ordered her this custom cushion off of etsy. It was just a very unique size and it definitely needed something to make it more comfortable so they did a fabulous job on this cushion. So I'll make sure to link the Etsy shop down below. It was definitely an investment but it's something that we will have for a very very long time. Now. The Builder actually convinced me to do a wood seat. He thought that that would probably last longer than having something painted white that would get scratched and nicked and all of that eventually down the road I might paint it kind of wish. It was white but we'll see over time but for now the white cushion definitely helps lighten and brighten the space a little bit more so. It is very comfortable though I had to test it out make sure but we're very happy with that. We also found these string lights at Walmart. She had been talking about adding lights to her window seat as well. Now we looked at the curtain ones but decided to go a different route just with little boys and I didn't want them pulling on them. I don't know it just didn't seem like it was going to end very well with sitting in the seat and having lights hanging down so just going to use some Command hooks and hang them up above. The window thank you foreign makeover. We're just adding a few things to the walls. This one actually she picked out from Hobby Lobby.
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  • 10:52 The colors match really well with her accent wall. So I'm going to hang this up for her and then also going to be hanging up this like pin board where she can collect and display some of her favorite photos or just different things. Art projects that she wants to hang on there so just two things to the walls. For now. We are on the hunt for some shelves for her wall and a few more additional pieces as well. But we just haven't found them yet and I wanted to get this video up for you. I've been talking about it forever. So there's still more that we are going to be looking for um. But we're in no hurry. We want to wait to find those perfect pieces for her room. So here's a quick reminder of what the room looked like before we did. This little mini makeover before the paint and the window seat. Little spruce up that we completed so happy with how it turned out and we do look forward to adding more things down the road. Once we find them. It's really hard to find the right shade of blue pink but we will get there for sure. I'm just going to walk you through here and share with you a few of the things and the final little look at her. Room isn't that color just beautiful. Though we are actually inspired by this blanket that I had already purchased a couple of years ago. I think from Hearth and hand at Target. Her bedding is from Betty's.
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  • 12:19 All of our kids got a new set when we moved into the house and of course all the squish Milos. She could fill this Window Seat but we tried to limit it so we had a little space to sit on the seat itself um so yeah super cute. The lights we love the lights from Walmart. They're exactly what we were envisioning perfect size and I was able to just drape the cord behind the window panels to plug them in so you cannot even see them now. I didn't really share the rest of her room but here's a quick look at the other side. She has a makeup vanity that also works as a desk. She received that for Christmas last year so the top just flips open and there's a mirror in there like to find something to Jazz up this corner. A little bit also something her and her friends are doing right. Now is they have mini fridges in their room where they store a bunch of fun little snacks. I don't know we had this one from our old house. So I said sure why not put the little Waters in there and she's good to go so anyways. Super happy with how the room turned out definitely hit that Thumbs Up Button if you enjoyed today's video but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon in my next one. Bye.
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