How to decorate a large dining room wall?

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Here are some ideas for decorating a large dining room wall:

Use large-scale art

An oversized painting or photograph will command attention and set the tone in a large dining room. Try a black-and-white photo for a minimalist look or add color with a vibrant abstract piece3.

Create a gallery wall

Display a collection of art, photographs, wall hangings and other ephemera in a gallery wall. Use simple, cohesive frames or mix in ornate variations. Extend the gallery wall to the ceiling to create the illusion of an even larger space3.

Incorporate an accent wall

Paint one wall in a bold, bright color to create an accent wall. Or cover a wall with patterned wallpaper, stenciling, or decorative paint techniques. These decorative accents can have an even bigger impact in a large space3.

Showcase a fabric

A tapestry or wall hanging can add color, pattern, and softness to a neutral dining room. Consider framing vintage scarves or other pretty textiles3.

Add architectural elements

Create drama by adding texture to a wall, such as with tin ceiling tiles. This adds pattern and a distinctive color that sets the tone for the entire design4.

Use a feature wall

Concentrate on one wall to get a desired effect. Paint it in a bold color, add a distinctive wallpaper, hang an oversized piece of art, or add texture with materials like tin tiles4. The key is to use a few large, impactful pieces rather than cluttering the space with too many smaller items. Stick to a cohesive color palette and style to create a polished, intentional look in your spacious dining room1.

Author: Coral Hoyt

Key insights

  • Decorating large walls can be a challenge when moving to a bigger space, but practical tips and design ideas can make the process easier.
  • ️ Pairing a mirror with a bench, chair, or table can create a visually appealing and functional space in your living room.
  • Using shelves to create a vignette is a nice, easy way to add decor to a wall or display a collection of items.
  • ️ Creating a gallery wall with framed pictures or art can add a personal touch to a large wall space.
  • Using frames, canvases, or prints to cluster decor items together can create a visually appealing display on large walls.
  • ️ Pairing a large wood sign with a wreath or sconces can effectively fill out a huge wall space.
  • ️ Utilizing oversized decor pieces like large canvas prints or metal and wood pieces can define the space and catch the eye when decorating a large wall.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Learn how to decorate large walls with these 5 practical interior design tips.
  • 01:18 Use large mirrors to make a room feel bigger and brighter, pair them with furniture for a stylish look.
  • 01:52 Use discount decor, paint frames, and add shelves to create a vignette and fill large walls with items from budget-friendly stores.
  • 02:54 Use shelves or create a gallery wall with framed pictures or prints to decorate large walls.
  • 03:54 Cluster different decor items together on the wall to create a collection, similar to a gallery wall.
  • 04:32 Pairing large signs with wreaths, sconces, and small decor is a great way to fill up and decorate large walls.
  • 05:18 Use oversized decor pieces like large mirrors, canvas prints, or industrial metal/wood pieces to fill up a large wall space with just one eye-catching item.
  • 06:28 Create a home you love by using the free printable in the description and subscribing for more tips on decorating large walls.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Do you have a large wall in your home that needs to be decorated. These five tips will give you design ideas and help you know where to start hey everyone. I'm coral and welcome to my channel. Here. You'll find practical tips for a home. You'll love today I'm going to share with you interior design tips for how to decorate a large wall in your home. When my husband and I moved into this house from our apartment. I really struggled with decorating the walls and kind of designing this space. We have 11-foot walls in our home. So not only were we coming from a small apartment. We were coming to a house with enormous walls that I had to fill I didn't have a lot of experience with doing this so over a year-and-a-half of decorating a lot of these walls it's really helped me understand what you need to do in order to decorate a large wall space so whether you're moving from an apartment to a house you're moving from a smaller house to a bigger house or you just have a large empty wall that needs to be decorated. These five tips will help you get started.
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  • 01:18 Tip. Number one is to use a large mirror. Mirrors make a room feel bigger and brighter because they are reflecting the light you could use a large framed mirror that hangs on a wall or you could use a leaning mirror that would sit on the floor and lean up against the wall. You can pair them with a bench or a chair or a table. We have a mirror on the wall off to the side of our living room that I've paired with a console table. Mirrors can also look great above a couch and a lot of times.
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  • 01:52 You can find these at discount home decor stores or a goodwill or an antique store. If you find one that has a frames that you don't like you can always paint it in order to change it tip number two is to use shelves floating. Shelves are a nice easy way to add decor to a wall or to display a collection of items. You can use shelves to create a vignette oven yet is a collection of items that you gather together in order to create a nice focal point. I did this with shelves in our bathroom. We had a big empty wall and I wanted to make it look nice. So I added a few signs a framed picture and faux plants. All those objects are things that I talked about in my video top five budget-friendly ways to decorate your home I will link that down below if you want to check it out. All of those items are a great way to create a vignette on your shelves and fill an empty wall.
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  • 02:54 We also use shelves to fill a large wall in my husband's office. He decided that he wanted to decorate his office with his favorite albums so we bought floating shelves in order to display his collection of albums behind his desk. My next tip is to create a gallery wall. A gallery wall is a collection of pictures or art. Oftentimes they are in frames so you would take framed pictures and put them in a collection on your wall or you can do prints or canvases. I have one spot in our home where I created a small gallery wall with all pictures from our wedding about all the frames at at home which is a discount home decor store so you can find frames for a reasonable price and create a gallery wall. Another option for creating a gallery wall with prints is to use a app that creates photo tiles for you.
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  • 03:54 I have some back here in my background and I did a whole video review on these mixed tiles and I will also link that video down below if you're interested and want to check that out my next tip is to pair or cluster decor so this is similar to a gallery wall. It's the same kind of idea except using frames or canvases or prints. You can do it with any type of decor I like to take various different decor items and cluster them together on the wall to make a little collection. I did this in our entryway.
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  • 04:32 I bought a very large wood sign and it just wasn't enough for that huge wall. So I paired it with a wreath and it filled out the space really nicely. I also did this in our dining room. I got a large custom sign made and again it wasn't enough to cover that large wall. So I bought sconces. I bought these ones at Kirkland and I paired them with this sign on each side and put some LED candles in them. Sconces are another great way to pair decor and an easy way to just add something extra to a picture or a sign. I also did this on the wall across from our dining room. Kind of in our entryway. I paired a couple signs and small decor together to fill up a larger space.
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  • 05:18 My last tip for decorating a large wall is to use oversized. Decor. Oversized decor pieces can take up a large space on your wall with just one piece. So it's nice because you don't have to collect a bunch of different things to add them on the wall. You just have one big piece that gets put on the wall and takes up this space. Large wall clocks are a great example of this these look great above the mantel or a couch. You can also use large canvas pieces or prints and large metal or wood pieces that are a little bit. More industrial looking are also a popular item right. Now we have something similar above our mantel I found a really big piece that is wood and metal and it's perfect to go above our mantel because it is just one piece of decor that defines the space and it catches your eye so to recap our five tips for decorating a large wall. We have use a large mirror floating shelves create a gallery wall cluster decor items and utilized oversized decor pieces take one or a few of these tips to decorate or revamp your large empty wall.
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  • 06:28 I hope you enjoyed today's video and I hope it helps you create a home you'll love just for watching today's video. I have a special free printable for you to help decorate your home on a budget just click on the first link down in the description below and that will take you to a page where I ask for your name and email address just pop in your name and email. That way I know where to send it. If you did enjoy today's video do me a favor and give me a thumbs up down. Below also comment below and let me know do you have any other tips for decorating a large wall. If you haven't already click that subscribe button and hit the bell that way. You never miss a video thanks for watching and I'll see you next week.
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