How to Decorate A Hotel-Style Bedroom?

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Here are some tips for decorating your bedroom in a luxurious hotel style:


  • Use high-quality bedding with a mattress topper, sheet, comforter, and bed runner to create a layered, inviting look3
  • Choose white or neutral-colored sheets that are crisp and neatly tucked at the edges3
  • Add plenty of pillows, both functional and decorative, to complete the hotel-style bed3


  • Install elegant light fixtures instead of harsh overhead lighting3
  • Use dimmers to create a warm, relaxing ambiance1
  • Layer lighting with lamps and wall sconces for flexibility1

Window Treatments

  • Hang custom-fitted drapes and curtains, using elegant rods3
  • Pair sheer curtains with heavier drapes for a stunning effect3
  • Adjust the light and temperature with transparent curtains3


  • Create a seating area with a chair, sofa, or ottoman at the foot of the bed3
  • Use symmetry with matching bedside tables or storage options3
  • Organize furniture and accessories for easy access3


  • Add a large-scale piece of art as a focal point3
  • Incorporate plants to bring life and oxygen to the space14
  • Use hotel-sized pillows for a luxurious touch4
  • Invest in a quality robe for a pampering experience4

Finishing Touches

  • Display your favorite prints and wall hangings1
  • Paint or wallpaper the ceiling for a dramatic effect1
  • Add color to hard floors with paint or rugs1
  • Bring in warm accents like rich reds or moody blacks5
By incorporating these hotel-inspired elements, you can transform your bedroom into a relaxing, luxurious retreat.

Author: Brittany Vasseur

Key insights

  • Elevating your bedroom with small changes can create a six-star hotel experience in your own home.
  • ️ Organic bamboo bedding is described as a perfect balance of silky smoothness and coziness, providing a luxurious and comfortable sleeping experience.
  • ️ Bamboo sheets keep you about three degrees cooler than cotton, making them ideal for hot sleepers and promoting better sleep.
  • "I don't want to be sleeping on a firm mattress. I want to be in a cloud."
  • ️ Layering with a plush, thick, fluffy duvet and throw blankets can elevate the look and feel of your bed, making it feel like a luxury hotel.
  • Warm toned lighting on a dimmer can create a luxurious ambiance in your bedroom, enhancing the overall experience.
  • A nightstand water dispenser can add a chic and convenient touch to your bedroom, making it feel like a luxury hotel.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Upgrade your bedding to elevate your bedroom into a luxury hotel experience on a budget.
  • 00:55 Launching organic bamboo bedding to elevate bedroom with sustainable, silky smooth, and comfortable material.
  • 02:15 Embroidered bamboo sheets elevate the look of your bedroom, are non-toxic, cooling, and more durable than blended sheets.
  • 03:38 Upgrade your bedroom to feel like a luxury hotel with bamboo sheets and mattress topper for a soft, plush, and comfortable bed.
  • 04:56 Use bamboo sheets, double sheeting method, and plush duvet inserts to create a luxury hotel feel in your bedroom on a budget.
  • 06:30 Elevate your bedroom with layers, neutral decor, cozy textiles, and warm toned lighting for a luxury hotel feel on a budget.
  • 07:40 Upgrade your bedroom with affordable lampstand decor, a framed picture, cozy scene playing on TV, and a chic nightstand water dispenser to elevate the vibe.
  • 08:46 Invest in your bedroom to create a luxury hotel feel on a budget, with links and coupon code for support.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Hello and welcome back to my channel so you may remember last year. I did a video on how to turn your bedroom into a five-star hotel experience while I'm back a year later better than ever with even more ideas and we are taking it up another star. So now we're gonna be a six star hotel. In our own home. We are going from basic bedroom to bougie bedroom on a budget. So the first element to elevate your bedroom and give you more of that luxury. Hotel experience is your bedding don't skimp on your bedding if there is anything in your home that you invest in let it be that because not only are you spending so many hours every single night. This is something that is touching your entire body that is helping you sleep better and just enhancing your daily life your daily experience and I never knew how life-changing it would be. It came to a point where I was so passionate.
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  • 00:55 So obsessed that I decided I wanted to come out with my own and share this with world and do it better. So I am launching my own organic bamboo bedding today in this video to go along with this theme of elevating our bedroom. So my brand is called. Bell tear which means beautiful Earth and our goal is to use more sustainable materials and reduce plastic waste and bamboo happens to be one of the world's most sustainable abundant materials and it's processed with far less chemicals than cotton and other similar materials and beyond that they are the most silky smooth buttery soft material better than cotton think of them as if satin and Egyptian cotton and silk all got together and had a baby because sometimes silk is too smooth. Too Cooling and it's not as cozy. But then cotton feels a little too rough on my skin. It's not silky enough. This is the perfect balance of silky smooth but still cozy and comfortable. It's one one of those things when you get it when you open it and you feel it in the Box. You're like wow this is soft then you put it on your bed. You get into your bed and you just lay there and roll around and feel how amazing and luxurious it feels on your body.
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  • 02:15 So the reason ours are different and what I wanted to make that I have not seen anywhere else on the market is creating embroidered bamboo sheets so embroidery on your sheets. Just elevates it it looks more Hotel Luxe. However with the bamboo it is not easy to achieve. It took us eight to nine months to get it right so that it would work and look beautiful on the bamboo. Fabric. Keep the Integrity of the fabric but then add that little extra pop wow factor on the sheets. We also have the non-embroidered our sheets are otec certified non-toxic and they are 100 bamboo. They're not a blend. Most of the inexpensive bamboo sheets that you find it's because they're a blend and they're not nearly as soft and durable and the other huge benefit about bamboo that I absolutely love is that they're cooling on average. They keep you about three degrees cooler as you're sleeping versus cotton and I am somebody who sleeps hot and we all just tend to sleep better if you're more cool. Then warm your body temperature has to drop to even fall asleep in the first place so I love that these keep you nice and cool. They are moisture wicking and because of that they don't absorb as much odor oils and bacteria as normal sheets do the way that these are made the viscose. Bamboo fibers are much longer so that makes them more stretchy and durable.
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  • 03:38 They're less likely to rip and tear and they last for a very long time and they only get softer with time and with use I hope that if you get them you love them as much as I do and it brings you Joy every single night. When you get in your bed. You just feel so happy so comfortable and cozy and along with the sheets I'm not done. Yet I also decided I had to come out with my own bamboo mattress topper. So this is something you could put on top of your existing mattress and just make it that much more soft plush like I don't want to be sleeping on a firm mattress. I want to be in a cloud so the mattress topper is currently on the market. Most of them are made with cheap. Polyester. I wanted mine with bamboo of course because it's more hypoallergenic. It's more environmentally friendly and it's just soft. I don't care how good your mattress is. It's gonna make it better and especially if you have a cheap basic mattress like I do like I have the mattress in a box that is nothing to write home about. Now. It feels like a luxury mattress so these two together if you do want to get them together. I'm going to have a code where you can save and I will have that information down in the description box. So now let's assemble what I am calling the luxury Cloud bed so we're going to start with your basic mattress and add your topper.
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  • 04:56 It's just going to feel that much more cozy. Then you want to put on your sheets and if you're taking my advice they're going to be. The bamboo sheets one of my most game changing hacks of all time. The double sheeting method so you don't have to go through the trouble of washing your duvet cover every week because how annoying is that so what this means is you first put your flat sheet under your duvet put your duvet in the middle. Then you put another flat sheet on top and then you tuck over twice so what your body is actually touching on the duvet are the sheets so you wash those more frequently instead of having to go through the trouble of washing. The duvet cover itself now for the duvet a couple to a nice plush thick fluffy duvet that is what gives the look the feel of comfort you can get two regular thinner duvet inserts and put them both in there. So then you get the extra plush look and feel we're not done yet because it's all about layers on top top of that. I have this beautiful throw blanket also from my brand Belterra. So we have the sheets the topper and these throw blankets. I just love how a throw blanket can elevate a basic bed. A couch an accent chair looks so much nicer with the throw blanket and it's also functional because if you have kids or pets it's going to protect your furniture as well. So we have the beige and the gray and I like that they have the one thick stripe. They look really high-end.
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  • 06:30 We have them all over our house and I just think they elevate any space whether it be your family room living room or your bedroom because I want all the layers. So then I've got this neutral knitted blanket that's going to go on top. Then for the pillows. I still love these Beckham collection. Ultra plush pillows. But the one that I actually sleep on is the Casper pillow. It's just a little bit more firm for our decorative. Those they're super budget friendly option and I got new covers for for them of this linen. So now we're going for high end but like cozy cottage Chic. So this is the vision. It's all nice and neutral that's another tip neutral is something that's going to go the distance you're not going to get sick of it. So now this right here for me is one of the best things in my entire life like it makes me so happy to get into my bed every night now for Ambiance. Let's talk Ambiance if you don't already have this I recommend getting your. Lighting in your bedroom to be warm toned light and on a dimmer I still have and love. These Hotel lamps is what I call them because not only are they the dimmable lamps. They also have a wireless charging pad your USB charger.
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  • 07:40 Everything you need is right there in the lampstand and they're very affordable. I decided it was time to change out. This. Mosaic mirrored picture that I've had for about 10 years. So I found this framed picture for only 60 dollars look how big and nice it looks. There's a bunch of different patterns. So I thought this adding the wooden frame just added in some warm wood tones that I felt like the room could use and then the ultimate in Ambiance. You know I talk about this all the time but get your cozy scene playing on your television. You can get artwork playing or I like the channel Cozy Coffee shop on YouTube pick your beautiful scene and have that playing in the evening while you're winding down. While you're reading. It elevates the vibe. Now my other bougie upgrade. It is a nightstand water. Dispenser look how Chic it looks. It goes right there on your nightstand. Then you get your large jug of water goes into the tube. Then it dispenses. You can even control the amount that it dispenses at once and I also work out of my bedroom. So it's nice just to have my water on top and this is actually not that expensive.
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  • 08:46 I want to say it's around 30 and then this pretty vase is going viral and I thought it was so cute. I just I saw it. I was like yes I love flowers and this just even cuter so I am telling you. If there is one place in your life to really put in the effort and to invest. It is your bedroom think about how much time you spend in there. I cannot tell you how happy. It made me thank you in advance for anyone who wants to support the brand. I will have everything linked down below and a coupon code for you guys. And I would also really really appreciate your reviews because we're trying to get this off the ground and your reviews and feedback mean so much thank you so very much for watching for all of your support. If you have any other questions leave them down in the comments below and I will see you soon with a new video bye.
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