How to decorate a dining room buffet?

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Here are some tips for decorating a dining room buffet:

Choose a Tight Color Palette

Select a cohesive color palette that complements the room. This will create harmony between the items on the buffet and tie it into the overall decor1.

Start with a Clean Slate

Remove everything from the buffet before you begin styling. Take pictures with your phone as you decorate to see things your eyes may miss1.

Anchor the Ends

Use lamps, plants, or other taller items to anchor the ends of the buffet. This adds height and weight to the piece4.

Layer Decor

Arrange items in groups of 3 for visual interest. Layer shorter items like picture frames, boxes, and vases in front of taller pieces4.

Add Greenery

Use realistic-looking greenery and flowers to add life to the buffet. Larger stems often appear more natural4.

Hang Wall Art

Crisp, framed wall art above the buffet will highlight your decor. Aim for balance with the pieces on the buffet below5.

Use Trays and Risers

Trays and risers are great for grouping items together and adding height variation. They also help corral smaller accessories1.

Incorporate Texture

Mix materials like wood, metal, glass, and ceramic to add visual interest. Textured pieces like vases or sculptures also work well3. By following these tips and choosing a cohesive color scheme, you can transform your dining room buffet into a stylish focal point. The key is layering decor in a balanced way that reflects your personal style.

Author: Decorating with Barbara

Key insights

  • Giving back to your audience is a meaningful way to show appreciation and build a strong community.
  • Layering different textures and materials on the buffet creates a visually interesting and dynamic vignette.
  • Finding high-quality decor items at thrift stores like Goodwill can be a budget-friendly way to elevate your home decor.
  • Using odd numbers and varying heights of decor pieces can create a balanced and visually interesting display on the buffet.
  • Adding a little greenery can give a touch of light and freshness to the decor.
  • Adding a pop of color to a neutral palette can really make a statement in your decor.
  • Adding a lower vase with shorter flowers can help balance out a display with too many tall items.
  • The viewers are encouraged to come back for more decorating tips and ideas in the future.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 The speaker shares decorating tips and ideas for the next seven days, including how to put the house back together after taking down Christmas decorations and may also include painting techniques.
  • 02:26 Layered buffet vignettes with runners, woven and leather elements, tobacco basket, and horse for depth and dimension in dining room decor.
  • 04:19 Large foam flowers are perfect for easy and stylish vase arrangements, and can be found at Z Gallerie or Hobby Lobby.
  • 06:16 Add layers and different height decor items like lanterns, candlesticks, and dough bowls with greenery and random pieces for a personalized dining room buffet vignette.
  • 08:09 Add greenery, a love sign, and a heart to the dining room buffet for a festive look, and use dobos to display a variety of items without duplicating the look of the dining room table.
  • 09:42 Use neutral colors for decorating and add pops of color with vases or candles, and consider the height of decor items for a balanced look.
  • 11:24 Adjusted the arrangement by adding lower items to balance out the tall ones, creating movement and visual appeal.
  • 12:53 Choose between different ideas for decorating the dining room buffet and stay tuned for the home tour.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Hello everyone welcome to decorating labarbera in today's video. I'm going to share with you guys how I layer my accessories on my buffet but first I wanted to thank you guys for your support. We have reached over 13,000 subscribers and I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you guys because I could not have done this without you in recognition for your support. I would like to give back to you and what I would love to. I would love to give each and every one of you guys a gift. But I can't do that. So I thought I would give you guys a video for the next seven days. One video per day on some type of decorating idea or tip so what it will be is. I will be sharing with you how I put my house back together. After taking all the Christmas decorations down I'm gonna work on each room at a time and as I put it back together or as I do say maybe my fireplace or just whatever I'm not sure. But as I put each room back together. I will share some of that video with you guys so if you have any requests as I do each room. I'll probably do something in the dining room my study and in the kitchen I still have things to do in there. So if there are some things that you think you might want to see just leave it in the comments. And if I can accommodate you guys I will so let me know what you think about that a video for the next seven days on decorating tips and ideas. I may even throw in some painting techniques because I know a few of you guys have been asked about the whitewash process and some other painting techniques. So I may be able to throw in a little bit of that. So anyway just I wanted to say thank you and just let you know how much I appreciate all that you guys have done to get us to this point. So let's go ahead and get started with the buffing.
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  • 02:26 I already have a few items layered on the buffet I have a runner and if you guys saw my last video where I shared the walkthrough of Bellamy decor. This was a runner from their store and I shared this in my haul. It's the gray denim runner and so I went ahead and laid it down on the buffet just for a little darkness on top of the light color buffet and then I layered in this woven runner that I got from Goodwill and I am so excited about this runner. I got it for $2.99 at the goodwill and I just want to share with you guys how it looks the style of it. If you can get close. There's woven all the woven neutral colors that I like in addition to this leather silver what would you call a little thread okay. So I also layered in a tobacco basket and you guys. I'm sure you've seen that before I'm used in the dining room several times and of course you guys have seen the horse and so. I'm gonna let him in just toward the back. Because these two pieces are tall and as you can see I'm layering him a little bit in front of the basket as opposed to right next to the basket because when you do your vignettes you want not only do you want. The highs and lows like I talked about in one of my latest videos. But you also want things to be forward and some things back okay.
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  • 04:19 So next I have this vase. Now. This is another item that I got from Goodwill the same day. I got the runner and this was also so I'm going to show you. The bottom of the vase can get that this was $2.99 and it originally came from Restoration Hardware. There is no tag and it was made in Italy and so this is a good piece. You guys know that I told you before that I like anything that has any type of print or script on it and then this one just being from Italy is perfect for how I like to decorate and my style of decorating and so inside the vase you may have recognized this flower. This was also in Bella beans and this is a foam flower and I like to decorate with these large flowers because when you put them in a vase it's easy to you know put an arrangement. Together. You don't have to know how to be a florist because these flowers just take center stage on their own and as you can see. I just added some pussy-willow which I got from the Dollar Tree but yeah this flower is really pretty so if you guys like these large flowers you can give. These Z Gallerie I think Hobby Lobby has this small selection. It just depends on the color that you're looking for but yeah. I really like decorating with the large flowers and if you go in the store looking for them they are foam flowers okay.
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  • 06:16 So I have that and as you guys can see I have this layer just a little bit in front of the horse and then so now I'm going to add a lantern and at this point you could add a pair of candlesticks. But I'm going to add the lantern because I like the texture on the lantern I like this little scroll idea and then I have a little greenery inside and I'm just going to add one of my battery operated candles okay. So now I have this space right here that I'm working with and we talked about odd numbers the other day and decorating so as you guys can see. I have four pieces right here. And I'm you know trying to give the different height. So now I need to fill in this spot right here and so I have a few options but my favorite option is the dough bowl because you guys know how I love dobos. You can never have enough dough bowls and so I'm gonna put it here and then I'm going to put a few little items. In here not a lot let me grab a few items. With this dough Bowl I went ahead and place something underneath. So I could lift it tilt it forward a little bit and I just have a few random pieces that are gonna add in there and like I said this is totally personal up to you what you will put in.
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  • 08:09 There. There's a ton of things that you can use in here but I'm just going to first of all. I'm going to add this like little whoop. Block add a little bit of greenery because as you can see all the colors are starting to bleed they're different in tone. But they aren't all neutral but you still need to add a little greenery at times just to give it a little a little bit of light for now. And since it's Valentine's I thought I would just use this love sign and then just a little heart and that's enough. But I gotta get there ways you can really decorate it and that's why I like the dobos because you can put a lot of different items. In here. They don't always have to be like the ornament balls which I use sometime on my dining room table so that's why I'm not duplicating that look with the ornaments in this particular dobo because I already have something going on on the dining room table which I will probably share with you guys in the video tomorrow so for now. I think this is enough I get to see the runner you know just a little bit of the texture.
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  • 09:42 A little bit of the darker color and then I get to see all of my other neutral colors and if I wanted to add in the color I could switch it out maybe in the floral or in this vase if I wanted to use a say a blue vase or even a yellow vase. Any color. Actually because this is neutral. Anything goes with the neutral and so that's probably where I would add my color. I could add my color to the bowl or even in the candle. But for now this works for me. I really love decorating with the neutrals as I share my home tour. You guys will see how it all come together okay guys. So if you don't want to use adobo you can just use just a small texture ball. That's what I'm using here and then I have one more idea okay guys. So here I added two additional ornament balls and then I added a little bit of greenery to the vase okay guys. So I wanted to show you what it would look like with a pair of candlesticks and I like the way it looks. But there is a slight problem okay. So when I do my high and my low test the short candle starting off low and then going up high.
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  • 11:24 I don't have a low item. Now. I could put the ornament ball on the other side of the vase for my low items but let me show you what that would look like okay. So if that's not working. Let me see I have one more idea. The problem is. I don't have enough low items and too many tall items. So I'm gonna fix it and show you what that looks like okay guys. So this is much better. So I added a lower vase with shorter flowers and now I can get my low candle. My high candle. My low vase the high basket the low balls and back up high to the horse and so that works out so much better. You guys tell me what you think if you agree with the high and low rule and then the front-to-back. As you can see. I have the low candle forward and then I have the hilum back and so I'm just trading off front to back and that gives movement to the vignette and it also you know just makes it a little bit more pleasing to the eye. Now I do like the yellow flower.
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  • 12:53 So let me show you one more idea okay. So there it is with the yellow flower and I like the way that looks as well. So I have a decision to make as to which idea. I like best and you guys will see it when I do my home tour. Okay guys so that's going to do it for this video. So don't forget to come back tomorrow for more decorating tips and ideas.
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