How to Create A Focal Point in A Room with Home Decor?

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Here are some effective ways to create a focal point in a room using home decor:

Use Architectural Features

  • Highlight a fireplace by decorating the mantel and adding shelving on either side1
  • Accentuate a large window with decorative window treatments and furniture placement14
  • Draw attention to architectural details like exposed beams, brick walls, or a unique ceiling1

Furniture Placement

  • Group furniture around the focal point, such as a window or fireplace14
  • Use bold, colorful, or unique furniture pieces to create a visual anchor2
  • Arrange seating to face the focal point, even if it's not directly in front of it1

Artwork and Wall Decor

  • Hang a large, dramatic piece of artwork2
  • Create a gallery wall with a collection of framed art and photos1
  • Use an accent wall in a contrasting color or unique material to highlight artwork2


  • Install a statement light fixture, like a chandelier or oversized pendant2
  • Use adjustable lighting to highlight the focal point and set the mood2
  • Flank the focal point with sconces or lamps for added emphasis1

Decorative Accessories

  • Style a console table or mantel with vases, sculptures, candles, and other decor4
  • Create a vignette with a chair, side table, and lamp1
  • Use a large potted plant or tree to draw the eye1
The key is to choose one main focal point and arrange the room's furnishings and decor to accentuate it. Avoid having too many competing focal points, which can make the space feel cluttered and disjointed

Author: D.Signers

Key insights

  • ️ The room's focal points are essential in interior design because they define how the furniture will be distributed in the room.
  • ️ The entry hall can have a focal point with a vibrant painting, large scale mirror, ball lamp, or impressive flower arrangement.
  • ️ In the living room, you can select your fireplace, a double height wall, a TV unit, a gallery wall, or wallpaper as your focal point.
  • Use wallpaper, a mirror, or a painting with vibrant colors and interesting shapes to establish the background wall as a focal point in your home decor.
  • The focal point of a room should be the first thing you see when entering and walking through the space.
  • Using colors, textures, or shapes that contrast with other elements can create an interesting focal point in a space.
  • Contrast is key when choosing elements for your focal point, consider elements that will contrast with the space's general decoration.
  • Using contrast by color, shape, style, texture, or patterns can highlight a focal point in your home design.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Focal points in interior design are crucial elements that immediately draw the eye and define the layout and use of a space.
  • 01:03 Know your space, determine focal points in strategic areas like entry hall, be careful not to position them where they compete visually.
  • 02:31 Choose a focal point in each room to attract attention and guide furniture placement, such as a vibrant color, impressive mirror, fireplace, TV unit, gallery wall, or dining table.
  • 04:08 Use vibrant wallpaper, mirrors, or paintings for focal points, and choose simple-shaped lamps in kitchens; highlight kitchen elements with light, texture, color, and patterns to create a cohesive visual picture.
  • 06:12 Place the bed opposite the door in a bedroom, use surrounding elements to direct focus, and in bathrooms, establish a focal point with vibrant colors, patterns, or textures.
  • 07:59 Use contrasting colors, textures, or shapes to create focal points in a space, and strategically design bathrooms to avoid the toilet as the main focus.
  • 09:07 Identify focal points by considering architectural elements, circulation, and contrast to direct the user's attention and create visual interest in the space.
  • 10:41 Use wallpaper with interesting texture to create a focal point in your dining room and take advantage of contrast in color, shape, style, texture, or patterns to make your home look cohesive and extraordinary.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Hello guys in today's video. I will talk about a fundamental design principle that you should keep in mind when designing or renovating your spaces focal points. I'm sayida. I'm an architect interior and lighting designer and in this design lesson. I will teach you how to develop focal points in your home but what is a focal point. A focal point in design typically refers to the area to which your eye is immediately drawn to. It must be an element that should stand out among all the composition elements thanks to its color scale style or material. The focal point will be the crucial element that will get your attention and will immediately impress you. Also. The room's focal points are essential in interior design because they define how the furniture will be distributed in the room. How you will use and circulate in the space determine the most important areas of the room and so on.
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  • 01:03 The first thing you should do is know your space walk through it and determine which are the most interesting or visible areas to establish an interesting element to look at at home. There are usually strategic places to establish your focal point. Let's see some of them. The entry hall is the first impression we have when entering a home. The focal point here could be a vibram painting a large scale mirror a ball lamp or an impressive flower arrangement. The important thing is that in your hallways composition you establish which will be the main element that will draw your attention. After doing this you must use the other elements to emphasize it like lighting or other decrease elements that help you direct your eyes towards it. Answering a question that I receive a lot yes. A house can have different focal points but we must be careful where to position them since we don't want them to compete because if they compete with each other the concept of a focal point will be lost. It's important to establish these focal points where they don't visually compete with each other. However they must allow you to move through the spaces to guide yourself to where to go to the next focal points attraction. For example if your entry hole wall is of vibrant color.
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  • 02:31 Your attention will focus on the vibrant color when entering when you continue advancing you will see an impressive mirror over the fireplace located in the living room. In the distance. That mirror will attract your attention and it will encourage you to walk there and sit in the living room. As you can see. There are two focal points that do not compete with each other and stimulate the user to enjoy the space. In the living room. You can select your fireplace. A double height wall a tv unit a gallery wall or wallpaper. This focal point will be the area with the most weight in your living room and around it. You must place your furniture remember that the focal point you choose must dominate the other areas of your room. If you are someone who likes to watch tv as a family. You can make it the focal point if you prefer to read in a long chair near. The fireplace make the fireplace your focal point by emphasizing these areas with color texture or shapes. Setting. The focal point in the dining area is much easier as everything is concentrated on the dining table or the items close to it. You can place a channel layer of impressive shapes or scale on the dining table to be your focal point.
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  • 04:08 However you must keep the wall behind without complex shapes or patterns so that the lamp doesn't lose the user's attention on the other hand if you want to establish the background wall. As a focal point you can use wallpaper a mirror or a painting with vibrant colors and interesting shapes. In this case it will be a better option to select lamps with simpler shapes that don't compete with the wool in kitchens. The same strategy applies first evaluate the space and determine the potential point to make the room's focal point depending on its architectural condition. If your kitchen has a colorful or textured backsplash. This may be your focal point but be sure to accentuate it using lighting that makes it stand out. Even more. Another interesting element to highlight can be the range hood or an area where you expose tableware or decorative elements. The important thing is to locate and emphasize them using other elements such as light texture color or patterns that contrast with the other elements in the kitchen. In case your kitchen is integrated with your living room or dining room keep in mind how both areas are connected the most visible points of the kitchen from the living room and vice versa. You can make the backlash texture the color of cabinetry or open shelving the focal point of this open space. Due to this kind of situations. It is important to go through the spaces and identify the important visuals when circulating the space and how they relate to each other to create a perfect picture. Like the dining room in the bathrooms.
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  • 06:12 It's straightforward to identify the focal point. The focal point of a bedroom is usually the bed so it is important to place it opposite the door so that your view is directed directly to it. When you enter the room you can emphasize the wall of the headboard painting the wall in a contrasting color or covering the wall with decorative or textured wallpaper with coverings or selecting a ball headboard remember that you must use the surrounding elements to direct your eyes to your focal point. So don't forget to include decorative lamps lines of lights or other elements to emphasize the interesting point. Sometimes due to the architectural conditions we cannot place the bed on the wall opposite the door. In these cases you will need something interesting to look at that invites you to enter the room such as a vanity. A boil statement lamp a mirror or a reading corner in bathrooms. Focal points are equally necessary. The focal point is what will give your bathroom authenticity and interest remember to establish what you want your focal point to be. Usually it should be the first thing you see when entering and walking through a space. If the first thing you see is the vanity you can add. Vibrant color tiles with patterns or textures or you can draw the attention of the eyes with a round mirror illuminated with a led strip. If the top or the shower is the focal point remember that the key is to include elements that attract your attention to it.
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  • 07:59 It can be using a volatile wallpaper interesting factors or different floor colors remember to use colors textures or shapes that contrast with the other elements of the space. The best way to design a bathroom is to avoid the toilet being seen directly from the door. However it may be the case that this happens you can resolve it by selecting your focal point efficiently. The toilet is not an interesting element to look at therefore. I recommend that you focus on highlighting more interesting things so that your mind leaves the toilet in the background and focuses on the most beautiful part of the space by the way guys. If you want to learn more about design. I invite you to catch me on instagram. I share interesting content from inspiration mood boards ideas and basic interior design and lighting tips. I would love to see you there.
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  • 09:07 Let's recap the important things to consider when identifying focal points first of all give yourself the task of going through this space to identify the visuals or potential architectural elements such as double heights. Windows arcs and how the spaces are articulated to establish the focal points studying circulation and how you will use. The space can better help you identify areas where your focal point can best be highlighted or emphasized. It would help if you consider not only what you see in the foreground or background. This is important because if we see something striking on the other side from a corridor or the house entrance our mind will feel invited to walk there. In these cases the focal points work to direct the user where you want them to go from point a to point b contrast is key the main thing to consider when choosing. The elements that make up your focal point is the contrast consider. The elements that will make up the focal point contrast with a spaces general decoration. For example in a space with neutral colors. You can attract attention with vibrant colors in a minimalist room with straight furniture and clean lines. You can create contrast by adding a lamp with a dramatic shape or a classic style mirror on the dining room back wall.
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  • 10:41 You can have a wallpaper with interesting texture which adds drama and interest to the dining room take advantage of the contrast by color shape style texture or patterns of the elements to highlight what you have identified as a focal point. If you want your designs for your own home to look spectacular following fundamental designs principles. I recommend that you watch my video make your home look cohesive next there. I explain other fundamental concepts that are very easy to use that will turn your spaces into something extraordinary. This is all for today guys thanks for watching have a beautiful week. See you in the next one.
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