How to clean wood table?

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Here are the key steps to clean and maintain a wood table:
  1. Wipe down the table with a damp microfiber cloth to remove dust and grime
    Completely dry the surface with a clean, dry cloth to prevent water marks.
  2. For sticky spots, use a damp cloth with a small amount of grease-cutting dish soap. Wipe down the table again with a clean damp cloth and dry thoroughly
  3. Over time, wood furniture can dry out and lose its luster. Apply a liberal amount of food-grade, non-toxic wood oil using a paper towel. Let it soak in for about an hour, then buff out any excess oil with a clean cloth
  4. To disinfect wood surfaces, use bleach-free disinfecting wipes sparingly**. Allow to air dry for 10-15 seconds, then wipe dry with a clean cloth. Avoid using products containing bleach or alcohol as they can damage the finish3.
  5. For water rings or mild stains, try polishing the surface with a liquid furniture polish and buffing firmly. For deeper stains, use a gentle abrasive like steel wool to lightly sand the area, then reapply the finish to match the surrounding area4.
Regular cleaning and oiling will keep your wood table looking its best and prevent damage from drying out. Attend to spills and stains promptly and avoid placing hot dishes directly on the surface. With proper care, a quality wood table can last for decades35.

Author: Clean My Space

Key insights

  • The less you do to your wood furniture, the better it is for the furniture.
  • "To determine if your wood is unfinished, just add a drop of water to the surface. If it beads, it's got varnish, and if it absorbs and leaves a little mark, it's unfinished."
  • 🪑 "We've got a video for that which I will link down below for you to click or tap."
  • 🧼 Store-bought furniture polish doesn't even clean anything, so it's best to leave it out of your cleaning kit.
  • ️ Making your own furniture polish with white vinegar and olive oil can be an effective and natural way to keep your wooden furniture looking great.
  • "The oil moisturizes the wood and the vinegar cleans it and of course you can use the leftovers on your salad."
  • ️ It's best to make sure that everything decorative which is placed on your furniture has felt pads or something similar on the bottom to avoid scratching.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Clean wood furniture with a microfiber cloth and water once a week for best maintenance.
  • 00:36 Use a dry microfiber cloth to clean finished wood and avoid moisture on unfinished wood.
  • 01:07 Learn how to clean wooden furniture by watching the linked video.
  • 01:18 Furniture polish is not a one-size-fits-all solution and can actually dull the finish and leave buildup on your furniture over time, so it's best to leave it out of your cleaning kit.
  • 02:10 Use vegetable based enzyme cleaner or steeped black tea to remove haze or streaks on wood furniture, and make your own furniture polish with white vinegar and olive oil for a beautiful shine.
  • 03:08 Use a mixture of oil and vinegar to clean wooden furniture, but be cautious with antiques and exotic woods, and use mayonnaise to remove heat or water marks.
  • 03:55 Wipe up spills and messes immediately, use place mats and coasters, and protect furniture from scratching and heat to maintain wood furniture.
  • 04:31 Clean wooden furniture by using a microfiber cloth and a mixture of water and vinegar, and avoid using commercial wood cleaners.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 You might have noticed during our recent home tour video that we have a hodgepodge of wood furniture here at cleanmyspace hq and over the years many people have asked me. What is the best way to care for wood furniture. So this week. I'm going to show you exactly how I maintain all of my wood furniture as surprising as it sounds the less you do to your wood furniture. The better. It is for the furniture in fact varnished wood furniture in my home gets cleaned once a week using nothing more than a microfiber cloth and h2o.
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  • 00:36 This removes any dust and the microfiber helps shine up the surface if your wood is unfinished just clean it using a dry microfiber cloth because moisture can parch and or warp the wood and to determine if your wood is unfinished. Just add a drop of water to the surface if it beads. It's got varnish and if it absorbs and leaves a little mark which will dry up don't worry. It's unfinished quick side note if you want to know how to clean hardwood floors.
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  • 01:07 We've got a video for that which I will link down below for you to click or tap. Now you might be saying melissa that's all fine and good.
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  • 01:18 But what about furniture polish aren't. I supposed to use that well let me explain the fp situation here a little bit further for you. According to a manufacturer of a popular furniture polish brand. It's designed to bring out the shine of your wood and to polish and protect your furniture but here's the kicker. Not all wood and wood finishes are created equal because of course different wood specimens and varnishes have different requirements. So furniture polish is really not an all-in-one solution further and here's a misconception it doesn't even clean anything. In fact it can dull the finish and leave a build up on your furniture over time so in my professional opinion leave store-bought furniture polish out of your cleaning kit if you have been overusing furniture polish and you find that your wood is super dulled out.
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  • 02:10 You'll see this haze or streaks that you just can't get rid of so what you can do to manage. That is apply a bit of vegetable based enzyme cleaner to sit on the wood for a couple of minutes which will sort of remove that build up and then you can wipe that away with a cotton cloth and buff it dry now if you can't find that you can use steeped black tea to do this. The tannins and the tea will help break down that dulled finish and reveal a beautiful shine now if you don't know how to do that. I will pop the instructions up on and the link will be down below for you so when do you polish your furniture and how often well. The simple answer is to do it whenever the wood looks dull or uneven and as I so often do. I'm gonna recommend that you just make your own furniture polish in a clean spray bottle add one part white vinegar to three parts. Olive oil and shake well spray the polish onto a soft cotton cloth and apply in a buffing motion to the wood furniture.
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  • 03:08 The oil moisturizes the wood and the vinegar cleans it and of course you can use the leftovers on your salad remember using it too often will create a sticky buildup which attracts dirt and dust you can also use. This mixture on antiques however do be very careful when dealing with old antique pieces or furniture made from exotic woods. They may very well have specific cleaning requirements so do your research. If you have heat or water marks. You can restore the wood by applying mayonnaise to the area leaving it overnight and then buffing it into the table. In the morning now this one is hard for me to do because I have a major and I mean major aversion to mayonnaise.
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  • 03:55 I don't know why this disgusting product works so well on wood but it just does the key to keeping your wood furniture in tip-top shape is preventative maintenance always wipe up spills and messes as soon as they happen and try to use place mats and coasters whenever possible. It's best to make sure that everything decorative which is placed on your furniture has felt pads or something similar on the bottom to avoid scratching and also try to keep your wood furniture away from fireplaces and radiators and guys. If you do all that your wood furniture is going to last you for a real long time.
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  • 04:31 This week's comment question is what strong food aversions do you have leave me a comment down below. There's a button down there that lets you know you care so click it. If you liked this video. You can also click this button and subscribe to clean my space to begin your journey to a cleaner life do be sure to check out for a whole host of cleaning articles as well as the opportunity to sign up for our monthly newsletter. The dirty dish which includes all kinds of extra little tips and tricks that nobody else gets. We are very socially active here at clean. My space so using the handle at cleanmyspace go ahead and find us on facebook twitter pinterest and instagram as always thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time you.
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