How much does it cost to build a bathroom?

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The cost to build a bathroom can vary widely depending on the size, location, materials used, and whether it is a new construction or a renovation. Here are some key points about bathroom construction costs:
  • For a guest bathroom overhaul in Canada, budgeting $12,000 to $20,000 is a typical market price if you design it yourself, hire out the work, and don't move plumbing. Costs can be higher if you need to fix plumbing issues1.
  • In the UK, the average cost of installing a new bathroom is £5,000 to £7,000. Factors that affect the cost include the size of the bathroom, the quality of fixtures and fittings, and whether any structural changes are required2.
  • In San Francisco, the city plans to spend $1.7 million to build a single-toilet public restroom in the Noe Valley Town Square, which is expected to take 2 years to complete. This high cost has drawn criticism due to the small scale of the project3.
  • To keep bathroom renovation costs down, tips include keeping the same layout to avoid moving plumbing, choosing a tub over a walk-in shower, selecting off-the-shelf vanities instead of custom, and doing some of the installation work yourself if possible12.
In summary, while a typical bathroom renovation can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000, the price can be much higher depending on the scope of the project and location. Careful planning and cost-saving measures can help control expenses.

Author: Design Build Remodeling Channel

Key insights

  • Adding a bathroom to your home can be costly, so it's important to consider the potential costs before starting the process.
  • Many people want to add a dream bathroom to their homes, especially in old classic homes with only one bathroom.
  • Adding an additional bathroom can significantly increase the value of your home, making it more appealing to potential buyers.
  • The importance of a well-curated design that fits both the goals and the budget of the project.
  • The construction process for adding a bathroom involves both the design phase and the actual construction phase, each with its own timeline and considerations.
  • Adding a bathroom can take 3-4 months and cost can be dictated by various challenges such as plumbing and fixture placement.
  • The cost of adding a bathroom can vary greatly depending on the location and whether existing plumbing fixtures can be reused or if new square footage needs to be added.
  • Adding a true primary bathroom to the house could cost a hundred thousand dollars or more.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Adding a bathroom to your home can be beneficial for family growth, creating more space, and increasing the value of your home.
  • 00:50 Adding a bathroom to a home is often necessary for growing families, aging in place, or to create a dream bathroom space.
  • 01:42 Adding a bathroom can significantly increase your home's value, and understanding the process is essential for a successful project.
  • 02:12 Start with a well-curated design that fits your goals and budget, then move on to demo, framing, and roughing for plumbing and electrical during construction.
  • 02:52 Adding a bathroom involves plumbing inspection, design process, and construction.
  • 03:34 Addition to a house can take 2-4 months for design, prep, and construction, depending on decision-making and material ordering.
  • 04:24 Adding a bathroom to a house can take 3-4 months due to potential challenges with plumbing and fixtures.
  • 05:00 Adding a bathroom can cost anywhere from $15,000 to over $100,000, depending on location and design, with potential costs for a simple powder bath ranging from 60 to 90,000.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Hi my name is carrie covington. I'm a design consultant here with vermont brothers and today we're going to talk about adding a bathroom to your home. There's a lot of really good reasons to add a bathroom to your home. Sometimes it's your family growing. Sometimes it's just the need to add more space and then want to have a larger bathroom in your home. So today we're going to talk about three different categories that are going to help us outline the best way to achieve that one is going to be why to add a bathroom at all. The second one is going to be the process to do a bathroom and then finally we'll get into potential costs for adding a bathroom to your house so why add a bathroom at all to your house. I would say one of the more common reasons is a lifestyle change in the family.
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  • 00:50 Whether it's a small young couple who purchased a home uh and is now having kids and clearly a one bathroom home isn't going to do it for that so we need to look at adding another bathroom the other could be aging in place maybe the bathrooms that are in the house or there's not a primary bathroom that are easily accessible and so we need to add a bathroom that's easily accessible and it's also built to be able to allow somebody to age in place. One of the other real common reasons is the home layout here. In portland we have a lot of old classic homes and there can be a lot of just one bathroom homes that are stuck in the middle of a hall and so a lot of people buy these beautiful homes and love these beautiful neighborhoods. But they really want to have their dream bathroom space in a true primary bathroom and so a lot of times. We'll see clients who really just want to add that extra bathroom on to their primary and that's a really great reason to add a bathroom to a home.
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  • 01:42 The last thing is going to be home value really a great way to add a lot of value to your home. Especially if you're limited on bathrooms is to add an additional bathroom. What really influences home buyer buyers is first impressions and so when you have that on paper showing that you're a three bathroom or a two bathroom anything other than a one bathroom you tend to add more value to your house all right. So now that we know we want to add a bathroom to your house and we've discovered the reason why now we've got to understand the process of how we get to a completed project.
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  • 02:12 Ultimately the first place you start is with a really well curated design that's going to both fit the the goals that you want an aesthetic that you're going for and fit with inside the budget. Then once construction starts you're going to really be looking at demo in the first few days where we're going to pull anything out that we need to whether it's an old bathroom that we're adding on to or if it's a new bathroom and we need to open up a space in the wall in order to do that. Once the demo is done. We'll then start outlining any framing that we'll need to we'll start our roughing for our plumbing and our electrical and there can be sometimes some challenges with both plumbing and electrical depending on what is currently going on in your house.
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  • 02:52 The most common thing to look at when we're doing plumbing is what bathroom are we adding on to your house. What number if it's the fourth bathroom then that often triggers a response from the city to want to look and inspect the size of your plumbing stack and that's a really important thing that we want to look at. And that's why going through that design process is really really important and then once we have all of those things laid in. Then we start all the beautiful finish work. This is where things start to really come together and start to look pretty and it starts to get really fun so how long could. This take well from. The beginning of design to the end of the bathroom is one part of the conversation and then the actual part of construction is another process often designing an addition or a bathroom.
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  • 03:34 Addition to a house can take somewhere between two to four months of design and a lot of that can depend on how easy it is for us to meet up and and our schedules to align what our current bandwidth is as well as how good are we at making quick decisions. Sometimes people really like to think about things and that's okay and some people are coming and they're really ready to make a quick decision and that'll make things go a little bit faster. The next to think about is prep. We really want that 10 to 12 weeks to prep in between signing the construction contract to starting the job. So we make sure that we have a really streamlined smooth construction process by ordering all of the materials beforehand. So we're sitting in our warehouse ready to go so that way when we come and start doing construction. It's non-stop. The next thing to think about is how long could this construction process take what I've outlined for you. In the previous comments is a pretty lengthy process.
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  • 04:24 There's a lot of steps to putting a bathroom onto a house so typically depending on the size of the bathroom. We're seeing somewhere between three and four months. A lot of that can be dictated by what are the challenges we might see in a bathroom remodel. There can be a lot of challenges numbering from how far away the plumbing stack is that we have to go do. We have enough rise and run for that plumbing stack. Do we have to add or increase the water line to add any of these plumbing fixtures. A lot of those things can really dictate a lot of challenges and some of our most common challenges we see and that's why coming up with a really well.
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  • 05:00 Thought out design that we value engineer for the project is a very very important part of the process how much could your bathroom cost everybody wants to know exactly how much a bathroom is going to cost and while there's a long process to figure out exactly what it's going to cost. We can talk a little bit roughly and take broad strokes about it right now. So the first thing to think about is location of the bathroom right am. I remodeling an existing bathroom where I'm able to reuse some of the plumbing fixtures or not have to move them very far. But I'm just enlarging a little bit to add a freestanding tub or a larger shower am. I using or utilizing a space that's already existing in the home and adding a bathroom in that space or am. I actually adding square footage to your house and putting a bathroom in a whole new space that currently did not exist. All of those things have very drastically different costs associated to them. Another thing that's going to affect the cost of the project are the materials that we use right we can pick really really high-end stuff and make a really really expensive bathroom or we can value engineer. The project not only based off of location where the plumbing is going to be but also the materials we curate and offer to to provide for your project. A lot of that comes down to a really well thought out design and understanding what the budget range is that we're aiming for and what we're comfortable with and that's how we're going to curate and pick where these things may or may not happen. So what are some potential costs for a bathroom remodel well based off the conversation. We're just having let's pretend that we're adding on a simple powder bath with just a little bit of square footage you're probably somewhere between 60 and 90 000. Now if we decide to enlarge that a little bit more and add a tub shower combo and start increasing the size of it and adding more fixtures you're probably getting closer to this 85 to 110 range and then if we really want to consider adding say a very large bathroom or a true primary bathroom to the house you're gonna be looking at a hundred thousand dollars or more. Now there's lots of room in these projects and lots of ways for us to value engineer a project and make sure it's designed around you and gets as close to your budget as possible and that's part of what we'll do when working through our process. So we've talked about a lot of great things today and all of that information is going to really help you in your process of deciding whether or not you want to add a bathroom to your house. What the process could look like to get that project done and potentially how much it might cost now if you live in the portland metro area and are considering doing a project. Like this please check out our portfolio where you see lots of beautiful photos of bathrooms we've done. We look forward to hearing from you you.
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