How do you get wax off a wood table?

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Here are the best ways to remove wax from a wood table without damaging the surface:
  1. Use an ice cube to completely harden the wax. Then scrape it off with something plastic like an old credit card, used gift card, or plastic putty knife14.
  2. Heat the wax with a hair dryer on its lowest setting. Hold the hair dryer a few inches above the wax and keep it moving to avoid overheating the wood. Use a paper towel to wipe up the liquefied wax as you go
  3. Place a cloth over the wax and iron it on a low setting. The heat will melt the wax which will transfer to the cloth. Use a fresh cloth or paper towels as needed15.
  4. As a final step, clean any remaining residue with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. Spray it on, let sit for a few minutes, then wipe with a microfiber cloth in the direction of the wood grain3.
  5. Buff the area with a soft cloth and apply a light coat of furniture polish or wood oil to restore the wood's natural shine3.
The key is to use a gentle touch, go slowly, and avoid harsh chemicals or abrasives that could damage the wood. With some patience and the right technique, you can safely remove wax from your wood table.

Author: Clean With Confidence

Key insights

  • ️ A hair dryer and some paper towels can be used to effectively remove candle wax from wood furniture or hardwood floors.
  • Adjusting the heat level on the hair dryer is crucial for successful wax removal.
  • Using heat to liquefy wax on wood is a genius way to remove it quickly and easily.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Use a hair dryer and paper towels to remove candle wax from wood furniture or hardwood floors without damaging the wood.
  • 00:49 Use a hair dryer on the highest setting to blow away candle wax from wood.
  • 00:57 Heat the wax, wipe it up, clean residue with warm soapy water.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 In this video I'm going to show you how to remove candle wax from wood specifically wood furniture or hardwood floors. I should also mention though that this method isn't limited to wood alone. But this will also work on any hard surface. You spill wax on I will be demonstrating this on this wood table. As you can see. It is a whitish grayish candle wax and will need to be removed if I am going to continue to use this table to eat my tv dinners on a heavy duty. Degreaser isn't going to do the trick for this one and even if you could clean it with a heavy duty degreaser you run the risk of damaging the wood while removing the wax to do this the right way you will need a hair dryer and some paper towels simply plug in the hair dryer turn it on its lowest setting.
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  • 00:49 If the low doesn't get hot enough. You can flip it to the highest setting and then what you want to do is blow. The candle wax with the hair dryer.
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  • 00:57 Just hold it in place right above the wax and the heat will liquefy the wax and allow you to simply wipe it up with the paper towel. It doesn't stay liquid for long so wipe it up as you're blowing. It be patient give yourself a couple of minutes to perform this and allow the heat to work for you until all the wax is gone after you finish. If there's any leftover residue you can clean it with some warm soapy water just dampen. A microfiber cloth add some dish soap to it and rub the affected area and you're done and that is how to remove wax from wood if you've ever wondered how to get rid of gnats click. The video on the screen now give this video a thumbs up and I'll see you in the next one.
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