How do people deep clean a shower head?

Answer SVG
Here are the key steps to deep clean a shower head:

Soak the Shower Head in Vinegar

  1. Remove the shower head from the shower arm if possible. If not, you can leave it attached.
  2. For a removable shower head:
  • Place it in a bowl or bucket and fully submerge it in undiluted white vinegar. Let it soak for several hours or overnight.23
  1. For a non-removable shower head:
  • Fill a plastic bag with undiluted white vinegar and secure it tightly around the shower head using a rubber band or twist tie, ensuring the shower head is fully submerged. Let it soak for several hours or overnight.

Clean the Nozzles and Filter Screen

  1. After soaking, remove any mineral deposits or buildup from the nozzles using an old toothbrush, toothpick, or microfiber cloth.234
  2. Locate the filter screen (where water enters the shower head) and remove it if possible. Use tweezers or needle-nose pliers to dislodge any debris stuck in the screen.24
  3. Rinse the shower head and filter screen thoroughly with water to remove any remaining vinegar and debris.234

Reassemble and Flush

  1. Reinsert the cleaned filter screen if you removed it.24
  2. Reattach the shower head to the shower arm, using new plumber's tape to prevent leaks.4
  3. Turn on the shower and let the water run for a few minutes to flush out any remaining particles and vinegar.
The vinegar helps dissolve mineral deposits and buildup, while scrubbing the nozzles and filter screen removes any remaining debris for a thoroughly cleaned shower head.234


Key insights

  • For just a few pennies, you can increase the efficiency and beauty of your showerhead.
  • 🧼 The vinegar has a 5% typical maybe six percent if it's cleanly vinegar acetic acid in it and that will eat away all that white stuff which is basically just calcium deposits from minerals in normal city water here and most anywhere in the US depends on your chart geography.
  • Save money by using everyday items to clean and restore your shower head to like-new condition.
  • Using distilled white vinegar to clean a shower head only costs about 50 cents and can be reused for other cleaning purposes.
  • 🧼 Using an old toothbrush to agitate and scrub the shower head can help with the cleaning process.
  • For literally 30 or 40 cents of vinegar, you can save a showerhead that could be worth $10 or even $100.
  • Periodically cleaning your showerhead is important, especially if you have hard water.

Timestamped Summary

  • 00:00 Clean a corroded showerhead with a DIY hack using a glass or plastic bowl to save money and increase efficiency.
  • 01:24 Soak shower head in vinegar to remove calcium deposits and make it good as new for just 10 cents.
  • 02:10 Clean a shower head with a simple method using a container and some cleaning solution.
  • 02:31 Soak shower head in vinegar to clean for pennies, and use a dish or mug to keep it submerged.
  • 03:16 Soak shower head in vinegar overnight to remove deposits, agitate with toothbrush if needed, and let the vinegar do the work.
  • 04:05 Soak shower head in vinegar, scrub with copper brush, and save money on a new one.
  • 04:39 Clean your shower head regularly to remove hard water buildup and use Teflon sealing for plastic shower heads.
  • 05:12 Clean your shower head with vinegar to save money and improve water flow.

Video Full Text

  • 00:00 Hi everybody thanks for watching we're at an apartment building. We're in one of the apartments were about to show but I realized I forgot to change the showerhead because this one has become all corroded. But what I wanted to show you was one simple life DIY hack that for a few pennies we can get this thing operating and looking like new so if you want to save money to increase the efficiency and beauty of your showerhead get the flow back to normal. This is how you do it. I think these are hand tighten me up. This is a plastic one when you have plastic fixtures. It doesn't make them necessarily really cheap but you just can't tighten them with a wrench. You got a hand tighten them. So we're gonna undo this one action and send it back up to show you the flow first let's turn the floor so not bad really where you can see in the middle. Okay I turned on the flash so you can see a little bit better for the light. So you're just gonna undo this and then with the glass bowl or a plastic bulb. It's deep enough to tire and submerge this showerhead.
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  • 01:24 We're gonna add this to some vinegar. That's the secret. The vinegar has a 5% typical maybe six percent if it's cleanly vinegar acetic acid in it and that will eat away all that white stuff which is basically just calcium deposits from minerals in normal city water here and most anywhere in the US depends on your chart geography. A little bit but all that is gonna be eaten away over the course of about 24 hours. So you leave it in overnight and maybe day in to be good as new or you can go my 1 for 10 bucks and hook it up that works too. But I like to use 10 cents of product okay.
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  • 02:10 Let's go do that hey everybody we're back. I want to show you how simple it is to get this thing which is very crusty and very kind of gross looking right now looking like new grody on all sides. Two things you're gonna need you're going to need a container that will fit this thing.
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  • 02:31 So it'll be entirely submerged. So I'm going to use this 1 quart pyrex dish just because it fits the whole head in there nicely and this is just some regular distilled white vinegar. It's 5%. This is what cooking vinegar is and it costs about 2 bucks for a gallon. We're going to use a quart of it. So 50 cents worth of this and actually you can use the vinegar for something else afterwards for cleaning if you'd like the other thing you might need if this is a plastic shower head. Like this is it may float so you may need something like glass on top a coffee mug or something just submerge it underneath the the vinegar.
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  • 03:16 So with all the acid gets rid of all those deposits but right now you can see. It's starting to bubble a little bit and that's it's already going to work. I have time to leave this overnight. So I'm gonna leave this overnight and we'll let the stuff get really clean. The only other thing I think you might need is like an old if you have a toothbrush that you use for cleaning stuff. Not one three teeth you might have to agitate you know with the bristles a little bit to scrub this. But let's let the vinegar do the work for now. Here's a view from the top and you can see all these bubbles going to work here on all of those deposits so that is a good sign that the vinegar is getting to work right away alright. Here we are it's a little bit over a day.
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  • 04:05 Later I put saran wrap over this just because the smell was a little stinky. It is vinegar after all and this is the final product. This morning I did use a soft copper brush and wipe this off because it had a little more residue and I soaked it more. But the difference is pretty amazing between yesterday and today it looks almost like a brand new one coming out of the store. I'll take this over to the apartment. We'll put it in quick video showing the spray pattern out of here but for literally 30 or 40 cents of in eager I can save showerhead. It could be a $10 showerhead or $100 showerhead.
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  • 04:39 It doesn't matter it's still going to fix it. So periodically you want to do these when you have hard water okay. Here we are at the apartment again I've got my cleaned up showerhead. I'm just going to go ahead and thread it back on by hand because in this plastic one I did not put any more Teflon sealing through there so you might get a little bit of loop around there well this is more for demonstration okay. There we go I'm going to back up a little bit.
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  • 05:12 So we don't get the camera what I'll zoom in but let's get out of course fantastic a little blow by the back. There I need to take it put some tough lot in there. But the stream itself very nice. Hey. I hope this helps save a lot of money that for just pennies get things working like news. This helps you and you like my video. It hit like and subscribe thanks for watching.
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